[HQD Summit Report]: Lekparture


[HQD Summit Report]: Lekparture



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo, my lektastic Qel-Dromites!

It is with a heavy heart that I bid adieu to my trusty right-lek woman, Jazzy. She’s been nothing but terrific throughout her tenure as Aedile, but she has some pretty solid reasons for her departure which I fully understand. Thank you, again, for your hard work and I hope you’ll stay with us in the coming Vendettas, you magnificent sausage!

In other news, we’re in the final week of the Clan-wide event! Get your slug-stomping boots out boys and girls, ‘cus we’re kicking some Hutt butt! If you need any help in, say, organizing some Tic-Tac-Toe matches for Gaming participation, let me know! I am excellent at putting crosses and/or circles inside squares at a 73% accuracy rate. Minimum!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Hello fellow Qel-Dromans!

Well, this is a bittersweet message. To me, everyone has been like a second family and I am thankful for that. Something that can’t really be replaced. I thank each one of you for all the hard work that goes into making this unit a fun place to serve.

I hope to have more time available in the future for wars and vendettas, but as of now, I’m a little strapped for time. I’m not one for too many fluffy words, so… There’s a report to get you updated on all things unit/clan!

May the Force be with you, Jazzy cheers

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Phantom Complex
Port Ol’val
Late 40 ABY

Just because they were deploying on their own didn’t mean she would just leave all the intelligence that House Qel-Droma’s spy rings could muster unused. Tali Sroka had done her best to furnish all of the partaking House operatives with as much information about what they would be up against as she could muster, but even so there was that nagging doubt in the back of her mind that something was going to go wrong.

She had been sensing it for weeks now and dreading it ever since. A sudden and unexpected loss. For all her developing talent in Farsight, that was as far as she’d gotten. Each time she contemplated the vision, it defied her perception. The only thing that remained was an aching sense of loss and the suddenness of that moment.

It was thus with mounting dread that she had relayed the Consul’s orders to her House. Each of the agents were close to her, as fellow Arconans if nothing else, and to lose any of them would be a blow. But she had not dabbled in the arts of scrying the Force to merely accept its ephemeral whims. The one who clung too close to prophecy, or worse yet acted against it, would be doomed to see its completion.

As such, she’d stomached the trepidation and given the go-ahead for Voidbreaker to launch. The final preparations would be underway even now.

“Ma’am Quaestor, a moment of your time?” The curtly polite tone of Avery Watson snapped her to the moment. His hazel-green eyes, so often a source of humorous glints even in the darkest of places, were cold steel. The claws of fate gripped the Twi’lek’s heart—had it already come to pass?

“Vhat is it?” she inquired with trepidation, bracing for the death notice or worse.

Read the full fiction here



Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

DB Wide Updates


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!

Marick Tyris

  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 2 Crescents with Topaz Star
  • 15 Clusters of Ice

Tali Sroka

  • 2 Clusters of Ice

Leeadra Halcyon

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star

Mune Cinteroph

  • 18 Clusters of Ice

Doon Sulvir

  • 4 Clusters of Ice


  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 2 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 5 Clusters of Ice

Aru Law

  • 2 Crescents wit Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Name Points Placement
Eleceos 26 1st
Aru 17 2nd
Marick 12 3rd

Looks like Eleceos is the continued the Blind Key holder for now! Thanks all for your participation!


Here’s a curated list of fun stuff to do this month to earn those tasty Credits and Clusters:



  • Wally wants to know:

    • ”Will Avery be okay coming back down to slum it up in engineering?”
      • Tali: “Slumming in Engineering? Vhat have you done vith the place?! It’s a luxury yacht!”
      • Avery: “Of course.”
  • Socks adds to the previous:

    • ”Or does he want to see how good he looks in a Stetson and spurs?”
  • Tali: Humms Big Iron

  • Avery: “Hm… both are tempting offers.”

  • Aru fires off a barrage of Qs:

    • ”Avery, in one sentence, what do you say was the most rewarding experience of being Aedile?”
  • Avery: “I can think of one word; serving.”

    • ”Tali, what will you miss most about Avery?”
  • Tali: “How amazingly normal he vas. Almost remindedt me of Kol… No, nobody.”

    • ”Aru calls Tali Want me back?”
  • Tali: nervous laughter

  • Kordath joins in with some Chissy Questions:

    • ”So no more vacation plans for the Lek? sad Chiss noises
  • Tali: “In this economy?!” Types with fingers and lekku

    • ”Does this mean longer office hours?”
  • Tali: “You mean shorter home hours?”

  • Avery: “If the glass is half full, isn’t it still half empty?”

    • ”Does this mean Tali will need close support at the office?”
  • Tali: “I am just about ready to call in a Close Air Support mission on these Year-Endt reports!”

  • Avery: “All the work should be caught up.”

    • ”I'm sure there's a serious question bouncing around in my brain but its coming up blank for now”
  • Tali: “There there, I’m sure it vill come to you. Just lie back andt relax. Let it ease into your mindt…” cooing Lekwiggles

  • Avery: “As the saying goes, a black mind is peace of heart and soul.”

In Closing…

Live long and prosper, Jazzy! Thank you, again, and all the best to you and the family! <3 And for the rest of you, thank you as well for being awesome! Looking forward to ending another year with you majestic sausages!

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, feedback, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on Discord (KuyAurelian#4515) and or email.


Sherlek Holmes & Dr.Watson


Thanks for everything Jazzy.

Qel-Droma continues to lead the way 🤘

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