Interim April Report: Appointments and Revivals


Interim April Report: Appointments and Revivals

Good evening, Arcona!

It is my pleasure and honor to announce the appointment of House Galeres' new Aedile, Jael Valsi Chi'ra, better known to us as the esteemable Kris! Kris brings both a host of experience, and fiery enthusiasm to this position, alongside creativity that can't be denied. They're an excellent addition to the team, and I look forward to we have ahead.

Next, certainly not to be forgotten, lets all congratulate Socorra on her appointment to Galeres BTL! Our battle team has been revived specifically to allow Soccs, with her absolute wealth of club and IRL experience in leadership, a shot to help direct and reignite the flaming bellows of our House. It is a difficult task; one to which she is pre-eminently suited.

With people of this high of a calibre behind us, there are bright times ahead, Galeres. So, let's all give 'em a warm welcome, yeah! Juice is on me!


Orion (Sera Kaern)

Yay :Gayleres: (first)

Yay! (second)

Congratulations, both of you! Look forward to what ye bring to the helm and the future forward!


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