It’s Darktober in DB!


It’s Darktober in DB!

Howie & Sofila Comic


This is my last post as Evant’s Praetor as you should have read by now that he is retiring. I was unprepared with a send-off comic but hopefully that quick above will suffice for now. And thank you, Evant. You've certainly been a boss of all time. 😉 I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the year and a half of BestPleb and promise to still fire Other Mav on the regular. I’m keeping the cannon!


Quick news post! "Darktober" as it is now dubbed in DB is up and running with both Fiction and Gfx. They weren’t planned as one, but you know what they say— DBers that spoop together stay together?

Promptober (Fiction) by Atty and Sofila (Sagitta above). Select among Week 1 prompts to write about and craft your story!

Darktober (Graphics) by Socks. Every few days there is a new spoopy and easy as “boo” drawing prompt and competition through October 31st. Today’s prompt is…

Toe fungus? 🤢

YES! We are drawing toe fungus. Come on down to Discord #art-chat to see some incredibly interesting and creative takes on this prompt. No photorealism, I (maybe) promise.

Yesterday’s prompt was A wandering ghost. Congratulations Eleceos for 1st place:

A Wandering Ghost

That Comic is gold

I am the only Mav. But I'm just happy to get mentioned.


Come submit!

Thanks for the shout out! So excited about #darktober!

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