Jen Kaari Report #1


Jen Kaari Report #1


Greetings Jen Kaari, and welcome to my first report as your Battleteam Leader. I've already reached out to each of you and gotten a lot of great advice and words of encouragement - thank you to everyone who wished me well in this new position, I'm very excited to be a part of what I know is going to be the resurgence of Tarentum, and Jen Kaari's going to lead the way! There is a ridiculous amount of talent and experience in this Battleteam, and it is my hope that all of you - from the newest member all the way up to our Equites and Elders - can find a place to help us succeed while enjoying your time here.

News from the DB

The biggest thing going on right now in the Brotherhood at large is the second phase of Fading Light - an ACC ladder. Our Aedile (Raiju), my fellow BTL (Hades) and I all received byes in the first round, thus automatically advancing into the second. We've all three got some tough competition, but we're working together to proof each other's posts and we're going to try our hardest to bring glory back for Tarentum. If you think you can assist in the proofing and brainstorming, let any of the House Summit know and we'd be grateful for the help. Otherwise, wish us luck. I'm not going to say we need it, but it never hurts!

There's also three new Journeyman Hall courses available in the Shadow Academy, all related to gaming. They're short and simple, but definitely useful. Many if not all of you likely know how to, for example, submit gaming scores... but a refresher never hurts, and they're easy SA credits. I have it on good authority (since I'm involved in the effort) that there's substantial rewrites going on across the SA and new courses forth coming, so keep your eyes peeled for some great new work coming out of the SA.

News from the House

All's been fairly quiet on the House front, but that doesn't mean your House Summit hasn't been regularly meeting and preparing new and exciting content for you. Stay tuned very soon for reports from both Scion and Raiju with lots of information - Tarentum's comin' back, baby!

News from the BT

The MAA's office just approved my first competition as your BTL, The Slogan of the Jen Kaari. As the title suggests, I'm looking for a new motto or slogan for our team, so over the next couple of weeks please submit whatever suggestions you might have. Beyond shinies for the competition, the winning entry will likely become our official motto (with the House Summit's approval, of course).

Let me recap on (some) events since the last report:


  • JH Farrin Xies -> DJK (sorry, I'm still really happy to have my lightsaber finally! :) )


  • Garloaf -> DC - Raiju's write-up shows me just how clearly you earned this recognition, congrats!
  • Levathan -> Cr-1T - for placing first in Anshar's competition, Splendid Sources - good job!
  • Archean -> Cr-1R - for placing second in the DB English Premier League Fantasy competition - well done!
  • Anshar -> Seal of Loyalty (Beyond well earned!), Cr-1R (first place in the Valentines for the DB competition), 3 x CoI (participation in the Fading Light RO) - You clearly were leading from the front, Anshar, well done sir


  • Welcome Aynar d'Tana, formerly Etah d'Tana, formerly of House Qel-Droma in Arcona. Welcome aboard!


  • New BTL :)
  • Motto competition is live, you've got two weeks to help us really solidify what it means to be a member of Jen Kaari

Great report Farrin! Glad to have you aboard!

Great report!

Sexy, good work Farrin.

Great report :)

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