Knights of Tau BTL Report


Knights of Tau BTL Report


Greetings Knights of Tau!

I am Sith Battlemaster Hades and I will be your Battle Team Leader for the foreseeable future. For those who do not know me as well I will give a very brief history. I am a former QUA and AED of House Gladius on a few different occasions. Battle team leader of the Wizards of the Crypt Phyle (old terminology for a Battle Team). And if you are really an old timer, I served in the Emperor's Hammer in many different positions. From Flight Leader all the way up to Reconnaissance Officer and Fleet Admiral in their Command Staff. But the most fun I have ever had in any organization is right here in Tarentum. I have known some of your fellow Tau members for 14 years and I am proud to call them my friends. As I look forward to doing with the rest of you.

I look forward to, and I am very grateful, to lead this team. We are made up of a bunch of gamers and writers who love to be active and involved here within Tarentum and in the DB as a whole. A lot of you know me. Some of you not at all. And a small few who know more things about me than I would like, lol. No matter which group you fall into, I would like to be able to interact with you each and every week. I want to help you achieve your goals as well. Getting promoted (finally!)? I am your man. Filling out your medal list? Let me help. Wanting to run a competition but not sure how, or even if it is any good? Bring to me and we can figure it out together. No matter what you want to do in Tarentum or the DB, I can help you out. As with ever leader in the DB since its inception, I have an open door policy. Any questions or comments that you have please send them my way immediately. I will usually reply within 24 hours.

This wraps up my intro. Feel free to hit me up anytime. I've been playing TOR a lot lately. I have a level 30 Sith Warrior, level 20 Sith Sorcerer and a level 19 Alliance Trooper (which I think is the most fun). I am in both the Imperial DB Guild as well as the Alliance guild. Look for a name with Hades or Apollo in it. That is usually me. I look forward to seeing you in game.

Tau Competitions

As a nod to our gamers and to help jump start activity I am conducting a new competition for all of us, and it includes all of Tarentum. And it is a group competition. 

Knights of Tau Vs. Alien Swarm

Grab up to four other Tau members to create your team and battle your way through the carnage of level three. We all know this level. We know what to do and how to do it. The fastest time through level three wins! In case of a tie, your team score will be the tie breaker. So grab some Tau members or maybe a few friends from Jen Kaari and jump it. You can download Alien Swarm through Steam and it is free. Even the QUA and AED are able to participate. So no one has an excuse. Details below!

New Run-On from the DB leadership!

Bosthirda Run-on Signups

Brethren, The war drums beat yet again, as we are drawn to Bosthirda to complete our march toward Korriban.

Bosthirda will be a singular event: a Team Run-on Event where posting will be allowed only between 28th February and 7th March. Teams need to be no less than 5 members, and no more than 7. Teams need to have been declared via email to Raken, Pravus and myself before the end of the day on the 27th of February.

Okay, this is our chance to shine DB wide. Let's make it count.


SW Ayden Dane was awarded the Dark Cross! SBM Rax Von-Klug was awarded the Dark Cross! SW Ayden Dane was awarded 12x Clusters of Fire (TOR)!

Great job guys! I am looking forward to seeing more of this in the future.


None this week


SBM Hades transfers in from BT Jen Kaari


Make sure to log into the DB website every week. It keeps you active for the MAA and you can keep up to date on current comps and reports for Tarentum. I see that several of you have not logged in more than 15 days. Please do so.

That wraps up my first report. I know it was as special for you as it was for me. I am looking forward to the just announced run on. Those are my bread and butter. I would love to see a team from Tarentum place in the top three!

Get to gaming!

SBM Hades (Sith)/BTL-REC/Battle Team Knights of Tau of House Tarentum [SA:II] GC / AC / DC-CP / BN-BL / Cr:2A-3S-5E-4T-3Q / CF-BlF / CI-GC / SI/ SoF / LS / SoL / S:1P-6U-2B-1De-3Aff-1Rn {SA: MVF} Assistant to Tribune: Recruitment Captain - Tarentum Navy Quaestor Emiterus - House Gladius

Nice report!

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