Knights of Tau BTL Report


Knights of Tau BTL Report


Welcome to another Knights of Tau BTL report. Don't get so excited.

I will be submitting a competition request later tonight for both gaming and writing for Tau. I'm looking to see exactly where your interests lay moving forward. I want to know what type of events you will be more likely to participate in. No one wants to run a comp where no one participates ::coughAlienSwarmcompcough:: Sorry, had to clear my throat.

I will be emailing you all on an individual basis this week to gauge your interest. Please let me know what you would like to do and at the end of the week I will pile up the responses and share them with Scion and Raiju so we can gear the House-wide comps in that direction. The whole point is for the average member to just have fun. Participate in what they are drawn too and just have a great time. If it feels like a chore I doubt a lot of people will participate. So let's do this right, shall we?

Now there is something else I would like to speak with you about. Tau has its roots in gaming. We do all types of activity, but gaming is our passion. I know playing TIE is what brought me to the Emperor's Hammer and to the Dark Brotherhood. I spent hours playing single player and just as much time flying against Scion (he went as Firebird back then) in XWA in T/Is. Then came Dark Forces series and all the fun that brought. Since then the amount of Star Wars games available to us is amazing. Especially with TOR now. We can live our Star Wars fantasies online and have a great time. I am also testing out Star Conflict as a means of activity for Tarentum and the DJB as a whole. The Emperor's Hammer has officially embraced it and are gathering new recruits weekly from their members playing online. My point is, unless IRL has got you by the power packs, I see no reason for our Battle Team to not be lighting up the board when I get the weekly digest of CoFs for our team. One person has been racking it up though. That would be SW Ayden Dane. SW Ayden has been a bright spot of constant activity. He is a good example to go by. You do not have to beat him in CoFs, you just have to get in the game. Any game. I want to see the name Tau blaze like the sun on the CoF list. Gaming is what we love. Gaming is what we do. Let's show them.

More information on the competitions once they are approved.


SW Ayden Dane has earned 51 CoFs since my last report. Excellent job Ayden!


If you haven't looked at the news page today, you should. Lots of great articles involving April Fool's day. Make sure to read the comments under them. Some are quite priceless.

If you have not gotten yourself ready for the ACC, step up! I am taking the ACC tests now. Hopefully I will be able to be finished by the time the next event rolls around. Which is SOON. So if you haven't done it lets go. Get your Character Sheet up and running and take those exams. They are not that difficult and your participation will help Tarentum move up!

Please read the QUA report if you haven't already. Scion gets sad if you do not read his report.

That's it for now. I look forward to speaking with all of you this week.

Till next time!

SBM Hades (Sith)/BTL-REC/Battle Team Knights of Tau of House Tarentum [SA:II] GC / AC / DC-CP / BN-BL / Cr:2A-3S-5E-4T-3Q / CF-BlF / CI-GC / SI/ SoF / LS / SoL / S:1P-6U-2B-1De-3Aff-1Rn {SA: MVF} Assistant to Tribune: Recruitment Captain - Tarentum Navy Quaestor Emiterus - House Gladius

Great report Joe! After looking at the website I may not be able to resist trying out Star Conflict... it looks pretty awesome ;)

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