Mortis Summit Introduction


Mortis Summit Introduction

Thine Dearest Mortisians,

This will be an introductory update, so please bear with me. After the update will be a picture of my pup, so that's cool.

Recently, Clan Tarentum underwent a few leadership changes. Rekio and Etah have been made the QUA and AED of House Liath respectively. Scion and Geosh stepped down from being QUA and AED of Mortis, doing a magnificent job might I add, and in their place have been appointed myself and Thanadd Mawgath. This won't be a long report, nor will it follow the usual layout of my reports that follow it, but it will be important as a spring board for our House to grow and develop.

Samael Ozriel

Most of you know who I am, or all of you do. I was Kah Manet for a little bit but to be perfectly honest and speak from my heart, I'm not a Grey Jedi and never could be. I've tried on multiple occasions to try the Light Side (My stint with Clan Odan-Urr) and try the Grey Side (my stint as QUA of Liath) and my thirst for the Dark Side and horror has always made me yearn to come back to Mortis.

For those who don't know my character Samael Ozriel, he is an Umbaran who was brutalized and mentally tortured by his father after the death of his mother. It wouldn't be long until he killed said father, who had been using him to kill other Umbaran's so their family could gain status in the Umbaran culture. From there, he lived with his drunken and estranged uncle, whom he killed shortly after arriving. He drifted after that, until eventually coming to Nar Shaddaa and staying with a woman who everyone called Granny. She taught him more dark side techniques as well as medicine and manipulation.

He is a sadistic serial killer and studier of the Dark Side, using its perversions to entertain himself and horrify others. I enjoy writing him because often I can make others uncomfortable with him, but not in an Oberst-y way. I also enjoy him because he is truly dark and evil, which wasn't the case for some Dark Siders not so long ago.

Myself, thankfully, am nothing like Samael. I'm not sadistic in the same way, I'm pretty approachable and try to be friendly to everyone I can be. I truly believe we are a family in Tarentum, and will do my utmost to make you feel welcome and included. If you think our storylines aren't enticing you, or there's no place for your style of character in them, send me a PM and we can talk about it and work something out.

Thanadd Mawgath

Thanadd had some words he wanted to say. They are as follows:

Greetings, Mortis!!

Many of you know me already, but for those who do not, I’m Mawgath. Up until my appointment to Aedile of this House (yay!), I have been leading the Deathsworn as Battleteam Leader. It was a fun experience, and I’d like to thank Beef (to whom the cult was dedicated) for the opportunity. While I did not reach every goal I had set for myself, I did become re-acquainted with the duties of a leader in this club. I received much support from the team membership, composed primarily of veteran Tarenti, and I’m thankful for the space and chance to grow and learn. I will miss the cult, but trust the impressive talents and capabilities of Darth Aeternus as he takes the Deathsworn into a prosperous future.

That being said, I’m beyond excited to be part of the leadership team for Mortis. I’m a big fan of Samael, our new Quaestor, and I’m glad to see him back on the Dark Path (where he belongs!). There have been a lot of changes recently, and I’d like to extend my sincere gratitude to Scion, Geosh, Beef, and Frosty for their exemplary service to Tarentum. All have been inspirations to me, and it is in the spirit of their hard work and vision that I take on the role of Aedile. Thank you guys for leading the way!

With this new opportunity comes a lot of hope. I hope to make a positive impact on Mortis, and therefore Tarentum, through my enthusiasm and cooperation with Samael. Specifically, I’d like to continue fictional development of Mortis, picking up where Scion left off. I love to write, and I want to get all members of the House typing. Exploration and roleplay will yield not only precious Clusters of Ice, but will pave the future of Mortis into the upcoming Great Jedi War and beyond.

The name “Mortis” is loaded with so much opportunity, connected to the themes of Tarentum’s dark legacy. We are practitioners of black arts, as we always have been, and the hegemony of necromancy is assured. The name is also connected to the canon Star Wars realm, which offers plenty of opportunity for each of us to delve into the philosophy of the Dark Side. The overlap between canonized Disney material and our history as death sorcerers is a unique opportunity for Tarentum. We can take full advantage of that through engaged writing, and while we will continue to sponsor activities for every member of the House, it is my sincere wish that each of us contribute to our story.

The next chapter begins today. Page one.

Be ready!

  • Mawgath

The Road Ahead

Scion was awesome enough to send us what he had done and planned to do for the future of Mortis, and Thanadd and I are going to be using this as a foundation for us moving forward. Will it be exactly as Scion envisioned? More than likely, no, not at all. Will it be something we think Scion would be proud to be apart of? We sure as hell hope so.

In essence, Mortis will begin having monthly "events" if you will. Within these events will be new characters, plots, and competitions that will enable us to polish our skills, build something great, and really have a blast.

Awards and Medals

Because we just took office, Thanadd and myself will be going through the Mortis roster and looking through the membership to see how close we are to rewarding our members . If you believe you are deserving of an award, speak up and let us know. We've divided the work between us, so we'll be able to get it down quickly and efficiently, but if you think we overlooked you, talk to us and maybe we can explain what happened or admit we messed up.

##Got Ideas?

Do you have ideas on where you'd like to see us go? Have an idea for enemy? A group? Location? Let us know! If we like what we see, we'll have you develop it and we'll use it in an upcoming fiction update, and it's really awesome to see stuff the members create in an official capacity.

Usual Report Format

This will be a quick thing. Usually, my reports will have a repository of competitions, highlight a member, and explain what we have done since my last report and what we intend on doing in between reports. Because this is my first report as QUA of Mortis, and I thought it necessary to introduce myself and Thanadd as well as explain that we aren't going all haywire and changing everything you guys have built and love, I'm not following this formula for the moment. If you guys want to go look at competitions you can do, you can either go to the Competitions page, or wait a week and you'll receive another update from either myself or Thanadd with them included.

Thor Says Hello

Thor says hi. (If you skipped everything just to see this, I'm a little disappointed.)

alt txt

DARTH DOGGE THOR! You obviously need MOR-TIS. (Geddit? More of this Mortise! You're welcome!) And congratulations everyone on the Summit shuffle. I'll be lookin for ya'll on the battlefield field when the war comes. ;p

I actually did scroll down to see Thor first. shame

But scrolled back up to read everything :) Rock your positions gentlemen ;)

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