Nighthawk Report #14


Nighthawk Report #14


Welcome to the latest and possibly last Nighthawk Report! Yes, you heard me, now pay attention as I go over some things in this short and sweet report. I will not be going over what everyone did, nor will I be highlighting competitions. I will be announcing some very important information, and it is imperative that you take what you can from the information and prepare for the future! Without further delay, let me delve right into it.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for me to step down. I have been here for over a year, and I will be taking my leave directly following the posting of this report. It comes at a time where the change is strange, and people have been scarce. Unfortunately, this leads to some tough decisions. The vision for the Battleteam is not the same as what the Battleteam’s current condition is, and thus the Galeras Summit (and Arcona’s as well) has been making plans to revamp and revitalize it with some reorganization. What does this mean to you? It could mean many different things, and we could speculate all day about the numerous possibilities. In the end, you’ll find out all you need to know from the Quaestor and Aedile. It doesn’t come directly down to just one or two things, for everything happening has contributed to culminate on this particular action. The change with the Arconan fleet even plays its own part. Think carefully about what you each want to do, and how you can help the process move along. You may be asked on your thoughts and opinions moving forward, and this is the time in which your words may help mold the future of the House, Clan, and Brotherhood as a whole. I will be here standing next to you, as your peer, riding this crazy train.



This is the end! I will no longer be your BTL, but I will still be around. Let me know if you want competitions, because I can still run them. Need a friend to game with? I’ll be around. I’m not leaving, just retiring from my leadership position. I look forward to hanging out with you guys in the near future. Until then, I hope you all stay safe out there!



Space Cowboy

Great report and a great job, Warp. It's been a ride man.

Thank you for giving us your heart & soul, Warp. You truly are a legendary peer leader in the archives of all Galeres Leadership.

Thanks guys. <3

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