Odan-Urr Consul/Proconsul #1


Odan-Urr Consul/Proconsul #1



Artwork commissioned from Olie Boldador at OlieBoldador's DeviantArt for Mar Sûl

See full image!


Greetings, Jedi!

Ending of the Force Ascendant

“Brothers! The time draws near,” Varten announced, taking in the sea of faces under his gaze, “Mar Sûl would dilute our Order with promises of an alliance—for what? Must we appease these so-called Jedi who follow under the banner of one who does not share in their beliefs? Even those who claim to stand against the growing darkness allow it to infect them, welcoming it with open arms in the name of ‘redemption’ in the false hopes that the darkness can be eradicated from within.”

Thunder crackled overhead as lightning arced between dark clouds looming overhead. Raindrops fell from the overcast, glistening over cobblestone and the bronzium of their armour. Varten strode to and fro across the turreted walls of the ruined fortress, built eons ago when the Maia’toa reigned over Harakoa.

Fire from a thousand torches reflected off the glossy orbs set in his skull; malice and hate burned from his vision, projecting itself onto his gathered followers on the cobblestone below, “We will not stand on the sidelines while the light is snuffed out under the Jedi’s watch. Even on this world, the Jedi cannot protect their own charges while waging war against this ‘Brotherhood’ of darkness. How can we choose to form an alliance with those who have, not long ago, allied themselves with evil?”

Cheers drowned out the metallic din of rain falling against metal, the crusaders igniting their silver lightsabers as one, “Purge the darkness!”

Read the rest of Part III and the Epilogue fiction here.


I’m excited to announce that our latest event, Rise of the Force Ascendant has been graded! It was wonderful to have worked on this over the last few months, sharing ideas and collaborating with Mar Sûl to make his dream of the Force Ascendant making an appearance a reality to start of our new “core” storyline that is meant to introduce our members to a new chapter without needing to have read the fiction of several years past. There will be more of this to come, after we have had some rest and time to relax.

On a related note, our latest events since clanning have always shown the statistics of our clan in a wonderful graph, based on Vorsa’s first graphic for our clan’s first event. These have allowed us to share some of the data we seen “behind the scenes” of things we like to keep track of to make sure Odan-Urr is in top shape for our battles against the Brotherhood. The being said, this event has a high average between entries and members. I’ll not lie, this is something that both us and the Dark Council see as one of the most important things to maintain and we’re well ahead in the numbers.

Some members took the chance to submit their entries to everything, while others did what time allowed them. To all of you, I’m grateful and pleasantly shocked at what I’ve seen Odan-Urr evolve into. We’re no longer a House, and all of you made sure that we now have the chance to take on the likes of Plagueis when the next Vendetta event pits us against the other Clans. Almost half of our Clan was able to participate in the event, which is something we’ve never come close to in recent memory, and we all deserve some rest to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.



Clan News

Changing the Guard

For those who have noticed, there has been a change of guard between the former Rollmaster and Quaestor of House Hoth. After holding a few conversations with the both of them, it has been decided that Nathan’s skills are best used in a position that allows him the freedom of managing his own House, while Seraphol wished to take on the mantle of Rollmaster. Both of these changes have been granted, and each of them are hard at work on making Clan Odan-Urr’s future better and brighter than before.

Besides this, two positions have become vacant that require a leader that is able to manage a small unit and drive forth activity. It is with heartfelt gratitude to Revak Kur and JScumm that I thank them for their service since we have ascended to a Clan. Both of these members are exceptional individuals that have kept Odan-Urr afloat while performing their duties admirably. That being said, the positions of Battle Team Leader of Strike Team Ooroo and Aedile of House Hoth are now open to applications, which we will collect over the next two weeks until the 26th of November.

For those interested, send applications to the following addresses:

Aedile of House Satele Shan:

Battle Team Leader of Strike Team Ooroo:

Applications should include examples of previous leadership (if available). However, this will not prevent someone from getting the position from lack of experience. We will also be looking for ideas to bring to the table—stories, fictional elements and an idea of how to manage your unit whether it be Strike Team Ooroo or House Hoth are all things that can be included.

Moreover, the position for Aedile of House Hoth will be open Brotherhood-wide while the position for Battle Team Leader of Strike Team Ooroo is Clan-wide, so get those applications written!

Councillors of Odan-Urr

I am pleased to announce that the scheduled November voting period for candidates to receive the honourific of “Councillor of Odan-Urr” has been held and counted after receiving Clan-wide nominations. However, we did come to realize some issues in our voting structure, which will have been fixed after discussing this with the Summit and current Councillors.

These members have served Odan-Urr for a long time, and each has contributed well past their peers in some form or another, whether through leadership or years of impressive activity. With that being said and without further delay, the Councillors chosen in this round as as follows:

  • Mar Sûl

  • Nathan Deciarus

  • Aerwin Tribwell


Furthermore, we have decided that with current summit being those receiving the most nominations, including them in the votes is something of an issue. Therefore, we will be adjusting the wiki to reflect that the voting body will consist of the current roll of Councillors without the inclusion of the Clan summit. This will keep things streamlined when votes are held and the wiki will be adjusted to reflect these changes.


Brotherhood News

  • TheShadow Academy has added a new course for the Fist-o-Matic, dbb0t’s gaming cousin. Learn to use the bot, love the bot, our robot overlord demands it.

  • Everyone’s favorite tree has put out even more goodies in his Herald Report annnnnd put out an avatar update to allow the use of TOR to generate avatars. But wait! There’s more! There is also a Herald contest running where you can win custom robes so you can be combat fabulous.

  • The Brotherhood recently celebrated the Day of the Fox. And this year the fox says “you get a seal of loyalty, you get a seal of loyalty, you all get seals of loyalty!!”

  • Don’t be a n00b, check out the lastest Gaming Update for updated POB rules on Destiny and TOR with a host of other gaming news.



A shining beacon to the lost.

Letter from the Quaestor

I regret to announce that after almost 8 months as a Battle-team Leader, the boss of Strike-Team Ooroo, Jafits Skrumm (Formerly JScumm) will be stepping down as BTL due to personal reasons, busy life is what it is ladies and gents! I wanted to take a moment to thank JScumm for his dedication and activity on behalf of Strike-team Ooroo - so, thank you very much!!

Of course this means that we have an opening for a Battle-team Leader position, these positions are extremely important within the House, they consist of Leaders who have control over a small unit and are expected to utilise this control to create a small, fun and active community within the House. I personally take these positions very seriously as their leaders will often be eventual members of a House Summit and as such the BTL role can be used to train newer members to be ready for this position or for already experienced members to train their Team-members.

I will be accepting applications for this position for 15 days after the posting of this report (ending on XX November). Much like A’lora I also believe in longevity when looking for candidates. This means that I value applications build around ideas, experiences and interactions more than a 30/60/90 format for applications. Applications to be sent to Mar Sûl (Quaestor) : [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and Chib Nyac (Aedile) : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Also for news wise: Just, i'm so so so happy with Shans participation records with the latest event and hope to see everyone of us perform similarly or even better in upcoming events - including the GJW!

Furthermore, Chib and myself are currently working on the next House event and hope to bring everyone something after we've all had a small break starting from the end of the Clan Event.


In peace, Vigilance.

Letter from the Quaestor

Today in Hoth news, I'd like to offer my sincerest thanks to Revak, who is stepping down as Aedile in the near future after a record term on our Summit. I've spent all day mapping out our fictional future, and preparing for the final episode of the Butcher of Kamuekiko series - coming soon.




Artwork commissioned from Lelia at Lelia's DeviantArt for V'yr Vorsa

See full image!

Oh, the Scandal!

That's it for this report!

Damn Gresee smoked me, grats again Gresee. And congrats to the new Councillors as well.

Scandal indeed.

Love the info and the transparency. Good work, guys.

Sweet report. My favourite bit was the Closing word ;)

A big thanks/congrats to all those who came out to partcipate in Force Ascendant.

Also congrats to the new councilors. Mar, Senpai noticed you.

I came for the artwork. So nice.

BAAS! BAAS! BAAS! Was heard being chanted As their Leader was Crowned the Winner and the DoB the Winning BT! WOOT! Great Job Lu'Aisha DOB BTL!

Also Grats tot he New Councilors and a bitter sorrow to see leaders step down and good luck to all applicants for the open positions!

I feel like that art should be viewed behind a curtain... I'm okay with this... Awesome info. Came for the art, stayed for the report.

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