Odan-Urr Rollmaster Report - May 2015


Odan-Urr Rollmaster Report - May 2015

Clan Odan-Urr

Rollmaster Report - May 2015


  • Tides of Change

  • Rollmaster’s Corner

  • Sins: Chasing Ghosts

Tides of Change

We are currently working with Clan Arcona in a joint Clan Feud against the O’reenians, who recently invaded our system in the first chapter of the Sentinel Network. I cannot overstate the importance of this Feud; it gives us a chance to compete toe to toe against one of the oldest and most respected Clans in the Brotherhood, and it gives us a chance to show the club how much of a valuable addition we are in these changing times. Even the smallest amount of participation can make a big difference to our stakes in this competition, so please, check out the main Event Hub and dive right in.

Rollmaster’s Corner

Again, not too much to report from my side of things this month. Honestly, I was secretly hoping that this would be my final report, but we’ll see what the future has in store.

A recent issue with the Clan mailing list has been addressed this morning. For those who do not know, we have the largest Clan roster in the club, and I do rely upon a lovely piece of software named Kallisto, which verifies our Googlegroup against the roster and highlights suspected issues. A Dark Councillor has been added, along with a few newbies who joined this month, and some not so new. Key lesson learnt is to not try and add people to the Googlegroup from my mobile as that apparently doesn’t work - issue with the verification captcha.

Channel management of #Odan-Urr has fallen to me, and I am writing up a full and detailed proposal on how the channel should be managed, for the Summit’s review. I will be including some matters related to managing the Googlegroup as well. I will be making most of the document public, for the sake of transparency, with the core focus being on a “layered / tiered” approach to channel permissions. The only time I should ever have to step in as a level 500 is to change the Consul’s access - everything else will be made doable (and un-doable) by at least one other person.

The first chapter of the Sentinel Network was graded largely without hitches, but one issue I did receive questions about was the graphics. Be aware that while we received a few excellent pieces, the grading criteria stipulated creativity, originality, and things that stand out / make your piece more groovy. Ceballa’s was the most original and as such, was a clear victor; despite the better “feel” of other pieces, they were mostly of existing ships, with a few groovy things added in. I do retain my grading notes if anyone cares to review them.

Beyond this, I am working on a couple of DJB-level projects for the Combat Master, and am enjoying branching out into Brotherhood work. I hope to do more of it in the coming months.

Sins: Chasing Ghosts

The next chapter of Sins of the Father has been posted. This is a prologue designed to introduce D’hak and the more extreme version of Denath that will be playing into the overall story arc. I’m particularly pleased to have located an old laptop filled with a variety of old works, from the late 90s to the early 00s, which I’ve incorporated into this prologue chapter. Now if only Windows 3.1 could link to other devices...

I already have most of the next chapter written, along with a new trailer that I’ll be releasing before my next report.

Thank you for respecting my wishes to not post in my thread while I continue to wrangle with Nathan’s past and future, and develop an old character of mine into a new Clan super-villain.

Sins of the Father.


Good stuff dude!

I love the fictions :D

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