Plagueis Proconsul Report #11: The Wrath Operates


Plagueis Proconsul Report #11: The Wrath Operates


High noon. The wind was picking up quite a bit at this point, churning the residual heat in the air up as if in an invisible blender and propelling it across smudged and sweaty faces. For hours now, the various strike teams deployed by Clan Plagueis and Clan Naga Sadow had been trekking through the various elements of terrain on the so far unnamed planet. There had been some discoveries, certainly - an abandoned ore deposit here and there, an occasional waft of dark side energy like catching the aroma of a hot baked treat on a window sill. However, for the most part, the treasures they had scrounged up were, sadly, minimal at best.

Khryso Mallus, his thin lips pressed together in a straight line, strained to look toward the horizon despite the glaring sun. The Chiss Acolyte had been working with his master, Dralin Fortea, as well as two other Dark Jedi: Kul’tak Drol and Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae. Nearby, flanking them, an outrageously tall Epicanthix led a three-person entourage, his footfalls impacting the dirt beneath his heavy boots. This was Wrathus, and behind him were two of his apprentices, Blackhawk and Sarai Andromeda, as well as the so-called Chiss legend himself, Brimstone. Brimstone was rather smartly dressed for the excursion, keeping his lightsaber pristine at his hip. Despite the raucous tales he had heard, Khryso Mallus couldn’t help but admire how put together his fellow Chiss was. He, too, sought after a smooth and proper aesthetic.

The two small Plagueian teams kept in close contact with their higher-ups - Tahiri and Dralin were the two clan’s Aediles, so they also kept them in check - as well as communicated with two other small Naga Sadow strike teams. They had coordinated their movements and were assisting each other with any findings or reconnaissance. Khryso overheard Tahiri speaking briskly into her comm as they scaled a nearby hill.

“Calenhad, anything new?”

To read the rest of the latest update to the Operation: Antiquity fiction, click here.


Hello, and welcome to your Wrath’s eleventh report. I’ve been your Proconsul for almost a year now - man, how time flies. Let’s not dilly-dally - we’ve got some Operation: Antiquity stuff to cover, awards to highlight, and questions to answer. And stick around - we're gonna need a new leader in town.


Currently, we are in Week 2 of the cooperative event with Naga Sadow, and so far, we have seen 11 unique individuals from Plagueis submit to competitions in Operation: Antiquity. While I’m happy to see these numbers, I do find it a bit interesting that Nightmare Before Sithmas, by comparison, had 17 unique participants. Now, this might be due to a number of factors: The holidays allowing our members a break, the easiness of the holiday competitions. Comps like Antiquity are a bit more demanding, especially in the middle of March.

Still, I would absolutely love to see more Plagueians step up to the plate and really show the Brotherhood what we’re made of. So click here to access all that Operation: Antiquity goodness. Play some flash games, do some puzzles, solve some cryptograms, and write some pirate fiction. Enjoy!


2019 ACC Championship

Under the direction of our new Combat Master, the 2019 ACC Championship is upon us! Several of our members were nominated or invited to participate in this event, and I’m excited to see how well we do.

Plagueis has been known historically to do well in ACC competitions. If you’re a newer (or older!) member who’s never had a chance to try out the ACC, I’d recommend taking the ACC Qualification Exam and then checking out the ACC itself. If combat writing’s up your alley, then let’s start strolling.


Ta-ta, Taranae

In sadder news, due to real life obligations, our Ajunta Pall Quaestor, Taranae Rhode, has stepped down from the position, effective immediately. This explains why we did not see an Ajunta Pall report this month, and we are very sorry to see Taranae go. During her tenure, she has worked hard to provide fun opportunities for her house, and we are grateful for her dedication.

This does mean that we are opening up Quaestor applications DB-wide, and we invite all of you to apply! In order to be considered for the position, Arden and I require the following:

  • At least 3-6 months of experience in another official leadership position, at least house level, current or previous
  • Consistent presence and participation in the clan, especially in competitions, with competition development, and on Telegram
  • An application with a short-term and long-term plan for Ajunta Pall in regards to its membership, activity, and lore. We prefer to see action plans rather than personal history and accolades.

Please email your applications to Arden at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and myself at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd to be considered for the position. We on the clan summit reserve the right to also pick a potential new Aedile from the same application pool, should a current Aedile be promoted to Quaestor.


Awards and Accolades

We have a small, but mighty, list of awards to show off this month. Our member shout out this time goes to Ra’gnar for attaining three Pendants of Blood in gaming. Well done, my man!

Scudi Ferria

  • 62 Clusters of Fire
  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 4 Clusters of Earth

Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 1st Place: “Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore: Clan Naga Sadow”
  • 2nd Place: “Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore: Clan Scholae Palatinae”
  • 2nd Place: “February 2”
  • 2nd Place: “Decode the message: Red Level”
  • 2nd Place: “From CSP, with love - Flash Game”
  • 2nd Place: “Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore: Clan Plagueis”
  • 2nd Place: “Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore: Clan Odan-Urr”
  • 1st Place: “February 4”
  • 2nd Place: “February”
  • 1st Place: “[PLA] Your Valentine Has Arrived”

Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr

  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • 2nd Place: “[FIST] Flash - BC Bow Contest”
  • 3rd Place: “A:VD3: Locked Away”
  • 2nd Place: “February 4”
  • 2nd Place: “[PLA] Your Valentine Has Arrived”

Khryso Mallus

  • 1st Place: “Decode the message: Green Level”
  • 2nd Place: “Who Loves to shoot Zombie’s?”

Furios Morega di Plagia

  • 1 Pendant of Blood

TuQ’uan Varick

  • 30 Clusters of Fire


  • 3 Pendants of Blood

Ronovi Tavisaen

  • 3rd Place: “[PLA] Your Valentine Has Arrived”

Taranae Rhode

  • 1st Place: “Who Loves to shoot Zombie’s?”


  • 3rd Place: “Who Loves to shoot Zombie’s?”



Scudi asks:

While I know Antiquity is still going on and the main focus right now, how excited are you about the number of Plagueians in the upcoming ACC Championship bracket?

I’m really quite thrilled. As I said earlier in my report, our clan is well-known for kicking some serious butt in the ACC. I really look forward to seeing how well you all do - and whether or not my Pontiff skills will be put to the test.

With the clans relatively close in the number of participants as of the numbers you shared, is the number of unique participants encouraging?

Yes and no. On the one hand, it’s double digits, and with our current clan numbers (regrettably still quite small), it’s almost a third of our membership. But I really do want to see more activity. I’d like to see at least 50% of our clan participate, similar to what we got during Nightmare Before Sithmas. This may mean we should focus more on easier comps, but I do want to ensure that members can participate in storyline-related and cooperative events. Variety is, as always, the spice of life.

As the first quarter of 2019 is coming to a close with the end of March, how would you assess Plagueis so far this year?

There were things we did well and things that have been delayed a bit. I think overall the summit’s timeline has gone well - I’ve been happy to see members be active and present on both Telegram and in competitions. But there is always room for growth. Arden and I are looking forward to providing you guys more opportunities to work together (i.e. co-op events), as well as doing more unique and eccentric competitions to liven things up. And once we get our new Quaestor, we can get even more cool ideas moving down the pipe.

If you had to summarise Plagueis in a sentence what would it be?


With the pre-Antiquity fiction showcasing newer Plagueians, will this be a method used by the summit to maintain member involvement with the clan narrative when the run on switches to a more slice of life focus after the slave arc is concluded?

The short answer: Yes.


With our purpose on planet Antiquity being more logistics focused, is an expansion of Aliso, or perhaps a new world entirely in Plagueis' future?

Pooooooooooossibly. You’d have to ask your Dread Lord. Provided he doesn’t toss you out a window.

How important will the Run On be in telling future Plagueis stories?

Honestly, it really depends on what story members want to tell. If we want to just stick with slice of life, then the run-on really becomes a hub for members to bounce off each other in their own micro-tales. If we see anything intriguing pop up, we definitely want to play with it, but we also want to keep an open mind. I’d say be mindful of what you write to an extent because who knows - it might inspire your higher-ups.

CNS exchange student when?

Summer time sound good?

Bloodfyre asks:

How would you sell Plagueis as the Clan of choice on those waffling between options? What place do you see for newcomers to help dictate the future of the Clan?

Answering part 1 of your question: The first thing I can immediately pitch about Plagueis is its alignment. Plagueis is the only purely dark side clan in the Brotherhood so far; every other clan is light or varying shades of light to dark gray. This means that if you want to write a nuanced dark side character in an intriguing environment, that’s what I want to provide.

However, if you don’t care so much about how complex your character is or what the story is, I’d say that Plagueis provides a fun community experience. Our members really do get along extremely well. We’re friendly, candid, and good-humored, and most of us don’t like drama. Hell, some of us are recovering drama queens, and it shows in a good way. Not only that, but we love our comps. We like putting out competitions almost every month. So there’s always something to do.

Answering part 2: I mean...newcomers can dictate the future in any way. I want to see them participate in the lore, the events, the leadership. I reach out constantly. Any way they can help shape this clan apart from listening to us old fogies all the time - it’s greatly appreciated.

Hilgrif asks:

what has been your favorite part in antiquity?

Organizing it!

what do you think has been the worst part so far in antiquity?

Not being able to participate in it.

Tra’an asks:

are you hyped for the ACC Championship Tournament?

See my answer to Scudi’s ACC question. ;)

Furios asks:

When will we as Plagueians develop a natural immunity to such things as plagues, diseases, viruses, etc.?

See, I get the joke. I just hate the fact that I’m acknowledging it.

how many drink offs do you estimate will occur by the end of this event?

Too many.

Arden asks:

We know your feelings on Otters, but what about manatees?

This is where I’d put up that GIF of that rainbow manatee with the pun, “Oh, the hue-manatee!” But it’s a bit jarring, and I don’t wanna make any of you suffer.

Yeah, I’m feeling nice this evening.

Muz asks:

Whyren's reserve still your favorite?

Do dairy cows produce milk?

In Conclusion

Just a week and a half left of Operation: Antiquity, people. Have fun. Show up. Help out. Find a co-op fiction buddy. Join our [Telegram chat - Log in to view join link]! Let’s make this event count.

"squints at fiction, while trying to keep from falling asleep" Wait, is that me there?! << >> AWESOME!!! Thank you. :) <3 <3 <3 And an Awesome report Ronovi, love the fiction and am working to have most, if not all entries in this time :)

Hmm, there's far more to manatees than that GIF, is a good one.

hopefully everything is well with my former apprentice. Anyone wanting to take the position opened up will have big shoes to fill.

As both a former Quaestor of Ajunta Pall and someone who was close to Taranae I have mixed feelings. I'm sad she's had to step away, but excited to see what a new Quaestor will bring to the table and indeed where they come from. I think it's an excellent opportunity for those within Plagueis, but also those in other units who are perhaps seeking to prove themselves. A new pair of eyes could be exactly what Ajunta Pall and Plagueis need to reach the next level.

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