Regent Report #2


Regent Report #2

Noobis Regent

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my second report as Regent of the Brotherhood. In this report, I'll be mainly discussing the post-Rite of Supremacy: Escalation rewards for both members and the Clans, from possessions to credits, and releasing an update on where we're at with Regent Staff things.

Regent Seperator

Clan Rewards

While I believe usually the possessions and credit sections are split up in these reports, to make finding-what-you're-getting easier, I'll be combining the two into simple lists. For this vendetta, we did things slightly differently with the Clan Fleet Upgrades when compared to the last; I created a pool of 8 different "artifact" rarity upgrades, with four themed to each base faction, and in order of placement (determined by participation points earned by a clan) each was given the choice of one upgrade, with chosen upgrades being removed from the pool.

Merit Credits: Clans earn credits depending on their final placement in the Rite, relative to the other Clans. Top Clan gets 20,000,000 credits, and then the payout is reduced by 5% for each lower position rounded up to the nearest 100,000 credits. This results in all Clans getting at least 14,900,000 credits, with up to 20,000,000 bonus credits for placing at the top.

1st: 20,000,000
2nd: 19,000,000
3rd: 18,100,000
4th: 17,200,000
5th: 16,400,000
6th: 15,600,000
7th: 14,900,00

The Credit Formula: As a quick refresher on the credit rewards formula for the clans, here's how it works, clean and simple. Each clan gets an amount of credits based on their participation points + merit (placement) credits + total DJB Wide participation points.

Clan Arcona Rewards

Participation Credits: 15,290,000
Merit Credits (1st Place): 20,000,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 109,140,000 credits

Advanced Cloaking System
This vessel is equipped with an advanced cloaking system designed by the Tenixir Revenant. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to hide itself from view and shield its radar signature from unfriendly forces.

Clan Naga Sadow Rewards

Participation Credits: 6,610,000
Merit Credits: (7th Place): 14,900,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 95,360,000 credits

Kyber-Tipped Missile System
This vessel is equipped with an advanced missile system designed by the Severian Principate, which uses kyber focusing crystals mined from the moon of Thillon. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to fire specialized Kyber Crystal-tipped missiles that penetrate enemy shields with ease and provide a substantial explosive yield over traditional warheads.

Clan Odan-Urr Rewards

Participation Credits: 10,940,000
Merit Credits (4th Place): 17,200,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 101,990,000 credits

Kyber-Powered Location Triangulation System
This vessel is equipped with an advanced tracking system designed by the Severian Principate, which uses kyber focusing crystals mined from the moon of Thillon. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to track the specific signature of any other vessel anywhere in the galaxy.

Clan Plagueis Rewards

Participation Credits: 9,060,000
Merit Credits (5th Place): 16,400,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 99,310,000 credits

Kyber-Powered Bombardment Cannon
This vessel is equipped with an advanced orbital bombardment cannon designed by the Severian Principate, which uses kyber focusing crystals mined from the moon of Thillon. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to fire a specialized bombardment cannon with a long recharge rate capable of decimating a planet's surface or enemy fleet from a long-range distance in just a few hits.

Clan Scholae Palatinae Rewards

Participation Credits: 8,500,000
Merit Credits (6th Place): 15,600,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 97,950,000

Revenant Minelayer
This vessel is equipped with an advanced mine system designed by the Tenixir Revenant. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to drop dozens of starfighter-sized mines each equipped with a cloaking device to shield them from view, trackable only with a unique signature provided to friendly forces.

Clan Taldryan Rewards

Participation Credits: 11,440,000
Merit Credits (2nd Place): 19,000,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 104,290,000 credits

EMP Burst Charge
This vessel is equipped with an advanced electromagnetic pulse system designed by the Tenixir Revenant. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to fire a medium-range burst of electromagnetic energy that ionizes the systems of every other vessel in the immediate vicinity, rendering them inoperable for several minutes.

Clan Vizsla Rewards

Participation Credits: 11,220,000
Merit Credits (3rd Place): 18,100,000
DJB Participation Credits: 73,850,000
Total: 103,170,000 credits

Advanced Kyber-Powered Shielding
This vessel is equipped with an advanced missile system designed by the Severian Principate, which uses kyber focusing crystals mined from the moon of Thillon. It allows a capital ship vessel equipped with this upgrade to produce an intense over-shield across its main shielding system, almost tripling its shield strength and capacity.

These credits and Clan Fleet Upgrades have already been dispersed among the Clans.

Member Faction-Themed Possessions

As stated by Bubba in the original launch news post and results post, we're introducing some faction-themed possessions for this Rite.

For the 1st and 4th place factions, we chose the possessions item (as 1st place faction gets two dossier arts, and the 4th place faction no dossier art) based on what best fit that faction. The 2nd and 3rd place items correlate with the dossier art that will be available to them. Here are descriptions of the items, in order of 1st place to 4th place.

Harmonists (Accessory)

Principate Language Decoder The Principate Language Decoder is a wrist-mounted accessory that allows the wearer to translate a variety of languages via audio and video capture, displaying the translation on a viewscreen that takes up the majority of the wrist unit for easy reading. It was created by members of the Harmonist sub-faction of the Severian Principate.

Expansionists (Weapon)

Revenant A-15 Blaster Rifle The Revenant Blaster Rifle is a two-handed, medium range blaster rifle based on the same design aesthetic as the the Scatter Gun featuring a set of dual blaster barrels for a massive punch, with a secondary mode that allows the user to spread the shots just like the Scatter Gun. It has minimum recoil for a weapon of its size, with a charge meter present on the outer chassis. It was created by members of the Expansionists sub-faction of the Tenixir Revenants.

Restorers (Accessory)

Principate Decoy Beacon The Principate Decoy Beacon is a small, cylindrical device with a small broadcast dish on the top. It has been programmed with several falsified Severian Principate starship signatures and personnel DNA in order to lure enemies of the Principate to a specific location for an ambush. It was created by members of the Restorers sub-faction of the Severian Principate.

Retributionists (Weapon)

Revenant A-12 Blaster Pistol The Revenant A-12 Blaster Pistol is a single-hand, short range blaster pistol based on the same design aesthetic as the E-851 blaster pistol, but with dual barrels for a bigger punch. This weapon is the perfect shape for a quick-draw, and like the E-851 was designed for minimum recoil, with a charge meter present on the outer chassis. It was created by members of the Retributionists sub-faction of the Tenixir Revenants.

Each faction gets one themed possession available to participating members of that faction to purchase from the Shroud Syndicate Market when that store opens following the completion of the art by the Herald Staff, with the top 10 members of each faction being automatically granted the item for free for their sub-faction once they're available.

That's all for Rite of Supremacy awards!

Regent Seperator

Ongoing Regent Staff Things

Droid Modification Aspects
When Droid Upgrades were introduced into the system, the process that we used (and learned some more about how the site handles the way it was done, so we know for next time) didn't clear existing aspects that were currently applied to existing item instances, allowing members to circumvent switching to the new upgrades (which was not the intent) if they didn't change what was currently in that slot.

We will be clearing them from all existing item instances.

Weapon Upgrades
No, they aren't out yet. SOON! Shortly after the Rite, the Regent Staff resumed their work on the pending upgrades that will be applied for the various types of weapons we have in the system (including lightsabers!). There are seven main categories, although Miscellaneous Weapons are really several categories combined into one. I hope for us to have our spreadsheets for this project ready to present to the GM/DGM within the next week or two, once we finish them up and do our internal reviews to make sure everything is gucci.

Once the GM/DGM have signed off on these, we'll get them deployed to the system. Like with droid upgrades, these will be selectable from your item's admin page, and any modification aspects will be removed.

SW: Squadrons-Themed Starship Upgrades
You read that right! We have a list of STAR WARS: Squadrons-themed starship upgrades (dubbed Starship Upgrades v2) that we'll be sending for GM/DGM review at the same time as Weapon Upgrades, so they can be deployed together. Like previous starship upgrades, these will need to be purchased from the Synergy Starship Outfitters store when they launch.

Armor Upgrades/Land Vehicle Upgrades
There's already a spreadsheet started for Armor Upgrades, but our focus has been on the elephant in the room (Weapon Upgrades). Once those are implemented, we will continue work on Armor Upgrades and follow those up with the final item category needing v1 upgrades, Land Vehicles.

Clan Assets
This is a major project, not quite on the scale of the totality of upgrades but pretty close when all things are considered. When completed/implemented, this project will introduce new things such as bases/installations, anti-air and other planetary defences, shields, and new space stations for the Clans to purchase and expand their possessions beyond just ground forces and starships/Golan military space stations. As this project nears completion and pricing is established for these items, the Regent Staff will review whether we need to provide the clans with a credit boost for these additional items.

While my intent was for the staff to continue plugging away on this project while we worked on weapon upgrades, it more or less was pushed to the back-burner while staff members focused on the Rite of Supremacy (RITEfully so, see what I did there?) and Weapon Upgrades. Following implementation of Weapon Upgrades to the system, I've decided that Special Magistrate to the Regent Selika Roh di Plagia will be taking the lead on making this project a reality.

Regent Seperator

I hope you've all enjoyed reading this report and the insight into all the various things happening on the Regent Staff. The term for the current crop of Magistrates (Turel Sorenn, Sanguinius Entar, Farrin Xies Tarentae) is half finished, and once their final three months are up applications to join the Regent Staff will open once more.

One final note, that I can't stress enough. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding possessions please drop the Regent Staff an email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Avoid PMing or tagging us on Telegram because it's always possible your message will be missed, and by using email every staff member is aware of the answer provided back.

Important Links

Regent Signature


Harmony in language!

(RITEfully so, see what I did there?)

Stop it. Otherwise, great report!

All the Credits...

credits nice, but a blaster rifle??? (Brim looks at it. "This is primative. See if I can hawk it on the black market.")

Well the factions certainly weren't getting a lightsaber...

An accessory and weapon concept (because those were what the dossier arts we're going to be, and those have been the rewards for every recent vendetta) were done for each faction, and the reasons for why each faction got what they did were laid out in this post.

I am pretty stoked about the Blaster Rifle myself. But what Mando isn't?

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