Saying Hello


Saying Hello

My First Hello

Hello to all who read this. My name is Keiji Suoh. This isn’t actually a report per say, more just an introduction for you folks to get to know me better. This is going to be my first time being a Battle Team Leader, so if your willing to deal with my stumbles and faults, I’m certain we can make this team strong.

Things About Me

According to the DJB, I’m a two year member. I have a great love of games, but sadly I'm not the greatest gamer when it comes to comps, so I hope you folks can assist me in that corner. I’m more adept at doing the puzzles and fiction comps as my brain is better at comprehending those types of challenges. I also LOVE character building, so if any of you need help or would like to run an idea by me please do!

General news

Vendetta update Pravus sent out. Go check it out.

Contact Info

So the best ways to contact me are via email and telegram.

I will be unable to see people's messages between: 5:00pm and 10:00pm (EST) due to work, but I promise I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Final Thank you

I would really like to thank Takota for his work and for helping me set up to become the new leader. Also thanks to Edgar for giving this a shot. Most of all thank you team for the chance to lead you. Hopefully I prove to you all that I have this under control and can prove I know what I’m doing.

Good Luck Keiji!

Thank you Takoda/Sera for your service as BTL!

Keiji good luck in your new position and welcome to the COU summit family. If you ever need anything just let me know brother. One team, one fight here in COU regardless of House. DS good stuff supporting the BTL position. I admire your ability and passion to serve when needed and mentor the new leaders until their ready so they can continue to grow to step into your position. I know you have heard it a million times, but brother you are an amazing asset to COU and completely selfless with your dedication to furthering the cause to make a great Clan. Thanks again for everything man!

Maximus does that me we are always having the same fight? :P

Good luck Keiji, you got this!

Good luc Keiji I'm eager to see what you really can do.

Good Luck Keiji. I believe in you!

Grats and good luck!

Nice job dea hasti

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