Seneschal Report


Seneschal Report

In which James talks about recent changes to the site, copy/pastes a change-log, and talks about upcoming coding-related things on the horizon.

Hi all, It's that time again! About time for another report from your friendly neighbourhood Seneschal with the latest ins and outs related to the site.

Deployed Code Changes

Below is a list of most of the code check-ins done to the site since my last report. This isn't an exhaustive list, and does not contain code changes that have not yet been deployed to the main website. To summarise, here's the TLDR:

  1. Changes related to splitting Clusters of Fire and Earth
  2. Updated SA Society requirements
  3. Preparations for Traditions, Clan Alignments and Path/Order Overhaul
  4. Announcement of DJB News to Telegram
  5. Possessions-related things
  6. Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks
James Entar (30):
      Update SA Society Promotheus rules
      Separate Member vs Environment and Members vs Non-Members in Gaming Portal
      Prepare Gaming Sage and GMRG for Clusters of Earth
      Restructure Members vs Others screen to allow for multiple platforms
      Add more info to gaming activity admin screen
      Add CE as a possible gaming activity reward in backend
      Gaming portal backend tweak
      Small Promotheus typo fix
      One more Promotheus title clarification
      Ease House/Path restrictions
      Library updates
      Rework Requirements UI; Implement Traditions; Prep Order changes
      Disable Tradition Changes for now
      Upstream library updates
      Allow Multi-Path Clans; update Join Assignment to match; add ACC Assets Group
      CC CM on various e-mails. Fixes #21
      Allow CM to edit ACC battle weapons. Fixes #22
      Allow tagging Fiction Activities as Official Unit Fiction
      Telegram Bot Stuff
      Move Languages/Lore into their own box
      Update CF/CE values in Gaming Sage and GMRG formulas
      Prototype Items, Slots, Items, Creation of Item Prototypes, Stores
      Add gaussian support functions
      Item Aspect Slots, Item Stocking Rules, Misc Possessions Stuff
      Streamline Prototype Management, Finalize Grant/Stock UI/functionality
      Allow disabling Gaming Platforms; hide CFs from Recent Awards on frontpage
      Actually add toggle to form
      Update Kallisto to account for people using an email address tied to a Google account with a different address
      Add mapping to Kallisto
      Stores, Buying/Selling items, Inventories, Misc Stuff

On the Horizon

This section provides some sneak previews of upcoming site changes and the larger things on my todo-list in various stages of completion.

  1. Clan Alignments and Path Changes Most of the coding for this is done, and we're now waiting on the administrative stuff. Clans need to declare alignments, rank names need to be created, etc. More from Mav soon.
  2. Possessions Possessions is making good progress lately. Most of the functionality for phase 2 and 3 has been completed, and I expect the focus of Possessions to change from coding to data entry soon. Store Item
  3. Test of Lore Revamp/Join Process Overhaul An ongoing project to replace the Test of Lore with something less... wall-of-texty, and less like an exam/test. Currently on hold until the Path/Order changes have been completed
  4. Gaming Nights Bot This new bot will facilitate matchmaking, match reporting and score calculation on the new Gaming Nights. Coding on this is done, and some preliminary testing has been performed, thanks to Andrelious and Frosty. Valhavoc's next report should explain everything in detail
  5. Fiction Society Initial coding on this has been completed offline, after which data was gathered and sent off to Evant and his team to ensure the ranks, requirements and rewards are well balanced
  6. Badges/Achievements Work towards achievements by doing things (or not doing things) on the site. This is low-priority project at the moment due to other projects having precedence, but I will expect to pick it up again in the future.
  7. Random Bugfixes and Things That Come Up™ A wild Dark Council member appeared. It uses Feature Request! [FIGHT][ITEM][PKMN][RUN]

Ask the Seneschal

Atra asks: As we come across various issues such as resolution related formatting and such, what is the preferred medium for delivering bug reports and such?
The Seneschal Office is using an internal issue tracking tool. The easiest way to report bugs is to send me an e-mail describing the issue and how we can reproduce it. I will then submit the bug to the tracker, after which the bug is fair game to any coder with access to the site's source :)

Malik asks: Will the path change also see the long needed change where members aren't assigned to a clan before passing the ToL?
This is something that we have in the pipeline, but depends on some other changes that are separate from the path change, so it won't necessarily coincide with it.


Again, lots of fixes and additions to the site, and even more interesting things to come. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to either e-mail me or throw in a comment.

James L. Entar
Seneschal of the Brotherhood

Thanks for the feport. Glad to see how things are chugging along.

Much excitement! Thanks for the info and the teasers, James. Good work. <3

Great report. Thanks for the update James.

Yes! I love new things! Thanks for the spoilers :D

Question though; on the Possession screens, it shows "Required; Light side, Title: Sith lord, and Prestige: 30000", is this intentional or still subject to tweaking? To me it looks like it's missing an "or" between light side and Sith lord. Now the requirements are a bit silly.

It all looks awesome and I can't wait to see it all implemented!

@Marcus: Those are just some random requirements I threw in to test the system, I wouldn't expect to ever see that particular set of requirements in the wild (30k prestige is a bit excessive as well :P)

Marcus, from that wording it looks like all three are requirements. Also, it wouldn't make much sense for a Light-Side adherent to have the Sith Lord title. :P

Gems. Seeing that reminds me of Diablo, but not in a negative way. :P

Quarterstaff. Much love. <3

Well, considering we don't yet have a light side version of Sith Lord it's not impossible for there to be a light side Sith Lord :P

I'm guessing it's gonna be Jedi Master? That would mean changing the name of the Light Side EL2 rank, though. We'll see in time. Or we're just gonna have some cheerful Sith Lords-but-not-really running around :P

"Hello, I am a Dark Jedi Knight! I want that Quarterstaff!"

"98 credits!"

"I won't pay you. I will choose to let you live if you give me that Quarterstaff."

"98 credits!"

"I will kill you to get what I want! Because I am a Sith!"

"98 credits!"

-- Why are we in need to buy something as simple as a quarterstaff with our credits? Why? If it were rare gems, a masterpiece armor enhanced by Sith alchemy, a Sith sword,..., I would understand, but why such simple things? Do we also need to buy weekly food rations? Torchlights and matches?

Sildrin: As the big orange warning that everbody seems to ignore states, all items and prices you see in those screenshots are placeholders used to test the functionality :P

James: I was hoping that was the answer :) Just checking, am excited!

Yay, possessions are actually being tested and stuff. Signs they might actually be real :P .

Oh, shiny :P

Xia Long, some of these items I don't assume Sith would want, but a Jedi on the other hand would. They also don't kill merchants for items if they are light side. Once Mercs and Enlisted get added to the mix it will all make sense. These items will be there for all personas to buy.

Awesome report James!

What? We'll have the option to "TAKE" stuff and doughnuts? The Darkside rocks..! ^.^

Just kidding! -- That said, it's exciting to see all these changes..!

We need a like button. So I can like the shit out of this post :)

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