Seneschal Report (February/March)


Seneschal Report (February/March)

In which James talks about recent changes to the site, copy/pastes a changelog, answers some questions, and talks about some nifty tool.

Once more, a month has passed. Time for another report from your friendly neighborhood Seneschal with the latest ins and outs related to the site.

News Page Changes

As you all might have noticed, there have been some changes to the news interface lately. News items can now be assigned a category, as well as a number of tags.

Due to the fact that we now have this extra information about news posts, we can now filter out what people see in various situations in a much more detailed way than before. You can see the full list of different situations in the dropdown on the top-right of the news page, and clicking the customize button (when logged in) allows you to see the exact conditions the filters use, as well as specify a default to use.

An example is people not being logged in don't see reports (such as this one) and posts in the 'other' category on the news page, in theory this will mean more "newsy" items on the main page which may be of more interest to newcomers.

The News Archive has received an overhaul as well and now allows you to browse by tag and category too.

Deployed Code Changes

Below is a list of most of the code check-ins done to the site since my last report. This isn't an exhaustive list, and does not contain code changes that have not yet been deployed to the main website. To summarize, here's the TLDR:

  1. AWOL code tweaks
  2. Shared logins on the wiki (though you won't find any mention of this below)
  3. News Page Filtering
  4. System for prominently featuring ongoing vendettas/GJWs
  5. Random tweaks and bugfixes
[James] Send out approval notification mail for rogue transfer preceding Path Changes
[James] Update DJB history filters; Explain Custom News Filters
[James] Add option to remove hyphens from hashtags
[James] Allow selecting a default news filter preference
[James] Add option to append hashtags to RSS newsfeed titles
[James] Add Ektrosis and Dinaari to Kallisto
[James] And fix a typo
[James] Don't error out news page for Rogues
[James] Fix the same bug as previous commit for the other filters
[James] Fix bug: default news filter was retrieving contextual news as anonymous user
[James] Fix Sage Law requirements in Promotheus
[James] Fix filter visibility on Oberstified
[James] Allow filtering the news page (presets only for now, custom settings coming soon™)
[James] Fix wording of reminder SA grading mail using date started instead of submitted
[James] Update development database snapshot
[James] Change wording on CS approved mail
[James] Sluggify news URLs
[James] Add tagging and categorization to news posts; restructure news archive
[James] Show local time next to timezone on dossiers
[James] Better avatar request feedback handling
[James] Allow competition organizers to extend competition end date
[James] Implement PVP score on wins/losses page and GamingCompetitions
[James] Add link to competition to comp admin page; fix deleted dossier submissions breaking competition show page
[James] Sluggify Unit URLs
[Kalen] Rogue list can actually be sorted by Rank and Prestige now
[Kalen] adjust initial sorting of Rogue list
[Kalen] update Rogue list UI for additional sorting
[Kalen] Can sort rogue list by rank and prestige
[James] Implement some additional security measures
[James] Add 'back to manual admin' buttons to some manual admin pages
[James] Fix pagination route for society roster
[James] Add Unit column to Society Roster; Paginate Society Roster; remove rank abbreviations from promo/medal RSS
[James] CTA css tweaks
[James] Implement CTA system for important announcements; tweak competition deadline calculation
[James] Fix a typo
[James] Update year on site footer
[Kalen] Can filter out Clusters of Fire in the DJB History
[Kalen] add link to DB news page in AWOL warning email
[James] Update Gaming Activity Reports to ask for character name on PoB requests
[James] Link pending/in progress exams to course notes
[James] Swap colors on summit overview screen: people at risk of AWOLing are now red again
[James] Halcify
[James] Ensure titles cannot have invalid prestige values; Typo fix in Promotheus; update .gitignore

Seneschal's Nifty Tricks

No nifty trick or tool this month. If you know any worth mentioning, be sure to let me know!


So, lots of fixes and additions to the site, and even more to come. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to either e-mail me personally, or have a look at the Forum.

James L. Entar
Seneschal of the Brotherhood

Solid changes, brother. Was looking forward to tags and categories for a long time.

James ftw :D

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