Social Media Tribune Report: Why do I follow breweries on Instagram? For the Double-Tap.


Social Media Tribune Report: Why do I follow breweries on Instagram? For the Double-Tap.

Social Media Tribune Report: Why do I follow breweries on Instagram? For the Double-Tap.


Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and non human species of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. I know it has been a bit since my last report. For the future I plan on releasing “stats containing” reports quarterly, but monthly Podcast reports. Most of my previous reports are filled with stats which are cool, but I feel aren’t something you the readers need to bleed your eyes out viewing. A Podcast will be a better way to get out information to the club and potential members viewing each month. Our Social Media platforms have continued to expand enormously since my last report which I will hit on below.

I did want to highlight on my months of non-reporting during the past 2 quarters. Typically in any position I have held I have always maintained a monthly report (Howie and others helped engrain that into me), however as you see my last report was in June which you all are due a tremendous apology. In that time I have continued to update and apply metrics within our social media pages as time allowed. However in that timeframe I did end up slowing activity to a stop on the art and trivia competitions.

The trivia and art competitions were mainly a dry run and errors that I didn’t expect arose. I realized a weekly competition was quite to much to track, grade, and complete without errors on my part. These errors ended up creating more work than good for our DC staff that I overlooked in the beginning. I have simplified these competitions for the future and will be running only the art competition for now monthly. I believe this will be easier for me to handle and allow less area to cause mistakes.

I do want to thank the members involved for their patience in this. Specifically the MAA staff and James our web guru. They always are quick to act, never ask for a thanks, and solved many of my hiccups in a matter of minutes. In an all volunteer club you all are great at what you do and I don’t think I can ever say enough of how thankful my office for your services. I’ll have to “IOU” 5 million credits to each of you from the Regent when I finally figure out how to wire money I don’t have from his office 8-P


Personal Life issues that affected my position (Skip over if you do not want to hear of personal life rantings)

I ran into my own real life difficulties from September until recently, but finally back free from the RL business.

Glad to be back fully in the fold and look forward to helping us grow to greater heights.

Activity on Our Platforms

Our biggest hit continues to be Facebook by a landslide. Instagram is pending until the updated competition details are approved, but it has still gained followers. Twitter is up and down over the timeframe, but I have updated my own metrics for following and gaining followers who may be interested in our club which has helped.

Below I have input some pictures of stats for your fancy. Since the last report we had our biggest growth in Facebook by almost doubling the users who liked and followed our Facebook page. On May 10th we had approximately 2,661 page followers right after “May the 4th be with you and around Solo release. As of today we currently have 4,767 page followers. The page continues to be a hit and growing by the months!

Social Media Followers Currently


One Month Page Metrics

January 27nd 2019 - February 23rd 2019


While the stats are a big difference from last report. As you can see our post in the last month still reached 5,367 people and we had 1,361 people engage in our posts from the page. Those are great numbers in a month where very little Star Wars talk was going on in “Social Media Land”. The goal is to continue to build our reach to more people in the coming months.

As always keep a close look out for all platforms we are currently utilizing as we move forward with our outreach campaign across social media and please like, comment, subscribe, and follow if you can. Every member that does will only help us further improve our footprint.

Competition Updates

  • Social Media Competition Creation - Keep a look out for a future competition that I’m hoping to run soon. I want to utilize some of the ideas that you the members have for Social Media competition. I have had many come to me with questions on how to help. Well this could be your chance to be apart of creating and co-running a Social Media competition. Keep a lookout on the competitions page for this competition in the next couple of days HERE. Ideal start and end date is March 1st and runs through March 29th

  • Featured Artist Of The Month (Instagram) - Look out for the return of this competition with a slight update. Previously it was held weekly, but now will be held monthly. Every month we have many members in our club's Art Community that submit amazing images they have created for fun. My goal is to highlight these amazing works of art on our Instagram page to help create a greater exposure to the different aspects of our club, but at the same time respecting any wishes from our members that do not want their artwork featured and still affording the same opportunity for participation for their efforts. Keep a lookout on the competitions page HERE. Ideal start date March 1st and runs monthly


“The golden rule of social media is tweet everyone how you want to be tweeted.” – Germany Kent

Monthly Podcast: Seeking participants

I will be starting a monthly Podcast in place of the monthly report to help create a summary of events within the DJB in the past month. It will also be an opportunity to facilitate discussion about events within the Star Wars community as a whole, interview members, Dark Summiters, and Dark Councillors about new exciting events, and serve as a platform for anything else deemed important to the Brotherhood.

The goal is to allow it to be a essential update on the club and a potential avenue for people who follow our social media pages to listen and get a gauge of current events on the club, star wars talk, highlighting tips from leaders in their respective areas, and on helping folks to understand what there is to do and how to do it.

I’m looking for any interested members who would like to be apart of the podcast to email me. The goal is to get a wide variety of members with different levels of experiences in rank/positions, and time in the club. Input from the newest to the most veteran of members will be helpful during the monthly Podcast. Dependent on number of interested members I will help tailor the Podcast to the relevant material in relation to the cast for that month. One month may be on leadership, growing up the ranks/positions from relevant members while the next Podcast could feature newer members and tips on their first experiences in the club, tips, how they found us, that would be relevant to newer personnel. There will be an opportunity for everyone regardless of time within the club and background so do not hesitate to reach out if your interested.

Lastly I am also looking for any members who savvy with creating Podcast and more specifically creating videos for them. I would love to create something that would be both educational and entertaining for folks who view them. A video Podcast would be ideal that featured video clips, sound clips, and other unique features that are typically seen in many “Youtube” videos, but I’m open to any talent. This holds the potential to be more than a one and done gig and talent would be rewarded for their efforts. If the project is a hit and requires a considerable amount of time it could have the potential to become a full time staff position if the need is there.

Interested folks for both areas should email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so we can start planning.


In Closing

That's all for this edition from your Social Media Tribune. Keep on eye out on new competitions being released in the future. As always if you have any ideas, thoughts, or concerns please feel free to email, or PM me on telegram.

Until next time folks,


Good to see the growth on Facebook. I will have to see if there is anything a less-than-social-media prone chap like myself might do to help those numbers when I am bumming about Twitter or (once in a blue moon) checking Facebook. Good report, mate, and hope all things get easier on the RL front.

Nice to hear from you again, dude! Totally get the RL stuff - hope it calms down a bit. Good to see these numbers.

Glad to see you back! Sorry about the RL stuff. HOA stuff tends to be complete bs, and I'm extremely surprised they have the power to wield foreclosure on people over small fees. My mother is part of the HOA and she always sees it as somewhat of a joke. I guess some of it take it more seriously than others do.

So awesome!! You're doing an amazing job. So thankful for ya, Maximus!

too bad we still use twitter. I have had 2 accounts banned, for political reasons, and am already on my 3rd account. Snowflakes melt so easily lol

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