Taldryan Consul Report #10 Competitions Galore!


Taldryan Consul Report #10 Competitions Galore!



"Wait a minute, Zappy!" I hear you say. "It wasn't that long ago since your last report!"

And I know, I know. This will be a shorter report than usual. I was originally going to send this in an email to the Clan, but there's enough here that I felt a report was justified.


Rewards And Promotions

We've had an award and promotion since my last report! So without further delay;

And I would be remiss if I did not mention the number of Shadow Academy exams that Koda has blitzed through in the last week or so!

Please join me in congratulating them all! Thank you so much for all your hard work.


Taldryan Robes

As detailed in Aylin's Sapphire Blade award recc, she completed work on the Taldryan Robes and they are now up on the site, and are selectable for your dossiers.


This is an example of what you can select! Go take a look. Aylin did great work. You will not regret it.


A Very Taldryan Sithmas

Koda and I are hosting a series of competitions celebrating the most wonderful time of the year! Sithmas! Port Kasiya is littered with decorations, everyone is wrapped up snug with a nice cold cup of caff stim as they all wait for the arrival of Jolly Dark Lord Nick.

You can all those competitions by CLICKING HERE!

All that's left to ask is…



Clan Taldryan: Saijo Superweapon

Fennyl entered the Captain's quarters, her private little abode, a place where she could be alone for a few moments and think. It was also the place where she did the majority of the private meetings with her clients. The blue-hued image of a smartly dressed Human male appeared in the centre of the room. He was cleanly shaven, Imperial, with his arms behind his back. Yet, to Fennyl, he looked like the answer to what would happen if you crossed a rancor with a hairless wampa. The Human in question was morbidly obese with what she could have sworn was sweat gleaming off of his firehead. Fennyl felt disgusted at the sight of him.

'Add another reason to why I don't like Humans,' she thought to herself.

"Hello, my dear. Fennyl, was it? His excellency has requested that I speak with you."

Fennyl rolled her eyes at how much of a self-important boot licker they appeared to be. It didn't matter who she spoke to. When the big-wig himself deemed himself too important to lower himself to her level, she immediately lost a lot of respect for them.

"What do you want?" Fennyl asked. "I was in the middle of something."

"I'm positive whatever it was you were doing can wait a few minutes. I have an offer I think you will be interested in."

"An offer?" that piqued Fennyl's curiosity. "It better pay as well as the last one. We got some good stuff out of that one, Mr?"

"Genko. Moff Myn Genko, and you refer, of course, to The Chyron attack. His excellency managed to create an acceptable estimate of Taldryan's capabilities and responses, which brings me on to my next question," Genko seemed to lean forward to her, and Fennyl had to fight the repulsive feeling building inside her. "How would you like to become Queen of the Pirates?"

That was just a little teaser for you! The next Clan event is in the competition making phase! The event follows our antagonist, Fennyl, and her aspirations to become Pirate Queen. As you can see, there are secret dealings going on behind the scenes. Then, there is the question of what exactly is the Saijo Superweapon?

All that and more will be revealed soon! The event will run between the 14th of January - 23rd of February, and will, of course, include an RP alongside it.

I'd like to take a moment to thank Teebu, Jorm, and especially Zentru’la for coming up with the details on the Pirate Navy. I am actually convinced Zentru’la attended Hogwarts after he coded in a randomizer for said fleet.

Also a shout out to Koda and Valkyrie for their help in preparing things too.

Lastly, Rai-Ho (Formerly known as Justinios) approached me regarding a way to make the competitions for the event have a bigger impact on the overall story.

What resulted is something like this, as an example from the Event Long Battle Plan competition;

The winning entry may be used in the final fiction. Should there be no entries, there will be no plan for the Taldryan Fleet to fight the Pirates and will heavily hinder our chances of success against their fleet.

As you can see, your participation WILL matter more than ever before! I hope you all enjoy it as much as we are enjoying organising it!



You ask, I answer! You know how it all works by now! So let's get right into it!

  • Koda Asks: Are you a hot apple cider or hot chocolate guy? And I mean American cider, "spiced apple juice"?

Hot Chocolate, hands down.

  • Von Asks: If Appius had the chance to change one thing, to prevent one regret, what would it be and why?

Not take Darrio to Sundari Station. :P

As for a more serious answer. Appius regretted getting captured when the Children of Mortis attacked. It led to the death of his and Darrio's father. His children never got to meet him. So that's the thing he'd change.

  • Tahiri Asks: How much glitter do you expect to clean out of your hair and clothes/armor this Christmas season?

None. I'm placing a Sithmas ban on glitter.

  • Ben Asks: Consul Appius, what do you have to say about the allegations that your recently announced "Sithmas Glitter Ban" is a transparent ploy to boost profits for black market glitter distributors going into the holiday season?

I'd like you to point me to these black market distributors and ask a simple question. What do I have to gain from this?

Sure, this ban might seem unreasonable, maybe even petty. Yet, glitter can be easily compared to sand in that it gets everywhere and is a nightmare to clean. In time you will appreciate my ruling in this regard.



That's all from me for now! Get those entries in for A Very Taldryan Sithmas whilst you can!

Until next time,


I love the Roman style armor. It's good to see you guys leaning into your new Republic. I look forward to crushing it somedays in the future Lots of Love - Kamjin

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