Taldryan Consul Report Supplemental: RoS Edition


Taldryan Consul Report Supplemental: RoS Edition


Since my report naturally came out the day before the RoS results were released, preventing me from including them in the original, I’m going to do what the DC does and release a supplemental report. Taldryan has a lot to celebrate this time around, and being able to shout your Clan’s awesomeness from the rooftops is one of the best parts about being a Consul.

Holy Crap, We Got Second Place

I know we were technically basing the results on sub-factions instead of Clans this time around, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that this is the best Vendetta result that Taldryan has managed in years. It’s also one of my proudest moments as a Consul. Every Taldryanite who participated in the RoS has a share in this, and you all deserve to be celebrated for it. I hope you’re all as proud of yourselves as I am of you.

Unfortunately, my fellow Retributionists and I came in last in the “real” standings of the RoS—but only if you believe what the establishment tells you. After all, 4th place is actually first in pirate numbers. (Thanks to Morax for that quip in Retributionist chat.)

Some Stats

I talked a bit about participation and bin-checking in my original CON report, but now that the results are out, I’m going to highlight a few more. The first are our participation numbers. Taldryan had the second-highest participation in the Phase I and II events (54% and 57% respectively), and the highest participation in Event-Long… events (53%). As you may already know, Rite of Supremacy scoring favours member participation over individual performance, and I firmly believe that having as many people turn out as we did is why we performed so well.

That said, we didn’t exactly come up short on placements, either. Our members picked up ten Novae altogether, which is pretty good for being one of the smaller Clans in the Brotherhood.

Incidentally, I noticed after my last report that all three of the Taldryanites who got full bin participation were from the UK.


(Anyone who thought I would pass up a chance at a Hamilton reference should’ve known better.)

Say Their Names

Although I really do believe that everyone in Tal contributed to our success, I’d be remiss if I didn’t call out the members who went above and beyond in their RoS participation.

  • Morax Darkblade took home the most Novae of any Taldryan member, with two Silver Novae and two Bronze Novae.

  • Zentru’la took home three Novae, one Gold and two Silver, as well as placing fourth in both overall individual scorings and numerous events. Clearly, the Fourth is strong with this one.

  • Benevolent Taldrya Whiner won a Gold Nova for his Sea Shanties entry, and we’re never going to let him forget that he got a Nova in a fiction event.


  • Andrelious J. Inahj got a Bronze Nova for the Battle Plan event.

  • Shanree Argentin got a Bronze Nova in the “Target Sighted” event in Phase I fiction, ending a years-long streak of always being the bridesmaid instead of the bride.

  • Our highest-contributing members by volume were Appius "Zappius" Wight with 22 events completed, Morax Darkblade with 17 events completed, and Zentru’la with 16 events completed.

But Seriously, You’re All Amazing…

… and Appius and I are keen to get our award recommendations written up so you can all be properly recognised for your awesomeness. Thanks for helping to make this Vendetta the best one Taldryan has had in a long time.


Nice work, clan mates!

Fantastic work Taldryan

Well done, Tally! Glad to see all your members embracing the philosophy of "just show up because good things happen!" :)


Well done. I had a fun time working with several members of Tal in the team events. A very nice showing by your clan.

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