Taldryan Report #1: The Hunt for a Proconsul & GJW Prep


Taldryan Report #1: The Hunt for a Proconsul & GJW Prep


Good afternoon Taldryan,

First off, I want to extend a special thank you to both Evant and Bubba for giving me this opportunity to serve as your Consul. I am looking forward to the fun years to come, and to continuing our legacy on Kasiya, Elysia, the Caelus system, and beyond.

As has been the case with Appius in the past, my door is always open to each and every one of you; be it for regular discussions, issues you may have either with real life or the clan, suggestions or comments, or just to get things off your chest.

I truly believe in the motto that we all hold so dear, that we are a Brotherhood Within A Brotherhood. And that is a standard that I plan to uphold during my entire tenure in this role. To me, we are all family. Regardless of what comes in the future.

That said, without further adieu...report time!


Proconsul Applications

With my ascension to the role of Consul, that now leaves us still with an incredible void that needs to be filled. The role of Pecan, or fictionally, the Vice-Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic.

Compared to how it has been operated the last several years, where the role has primarily been in the shadows working on back-end tasks, wiki, and narrative development alongside competitions, there will be several changes to this position going forward; that it will have more direct involvement in the everyday administration of the clan and will participate in reports with me on an alternating two-week schedule. This will adjust of course during major Brotherhood-wide events, Vendettas, Feuds, or major Clan-level events which would warrant a different timeline for reports.

Second, where the Consul has been the main point for all three members of the Summit (Magistrates > Consul < Proconsul), the structure will lightly shift. The individual Magistrates will retain their current duties and assignments as given by me, but activity tracking for the Magistrates will shift to the Proconsul. In turn, clan narrative duties will be split between myself and the Proconsul, with individual world narratives being constructed by the Magistrates with support from myself and the Proconsul.

With these changes, I hope to balance the workload between each of us with a strong support system with each of us as well if things get busy, or major events begin to occur either fictionally or in real life.

That said, now to the heart of it:

Proconsul Applications will be open from Today (5/5) for a Two-Week duration, until Friday night 5/19 at site reset. Because my graduation from university falls on that Friday/Saturday, I will actively be looking at submissions as they come in; with an expected finalization and selection by the end of that weekend by Sunday the 21st.

Here is the link to the application itself for those interested: Taldryan Proconsul Application


Great Jedi War XVI Preparations

With the next GJW looming just one season ahead of us, something myself and Appius had been discussing early in the year was going through and doing a mock-style run-through of the GJW itself in late spring. This is something that I still want to pursue, and was even mentioned as something in the Taldryan channel when ideas for interim competitions were asked for. This Great Mock War will include the various competition types that are common for it, to give our newer members a feel for what the real thing could be like, and to give a refresher to our veteran members as well to break the rust off.

Exact dates will be discussed with the summit, and will be relayed in the next several weeks.


Aftermath Event Series and Beyond

As many of you have noticed and (hopefully) seen the repeated messages on, we have a new casual roleplay session going on titled Aftermath. This Roleplay follows the events three days after the end of the Plagueis vs. Taldryan Feud, and sets the stage for the leadership transition and shift in the balance of power within the system.

At the conclusion of the Aftermath roleplay on the 14th at site reset, there will be a small set of special competitions that will be released which will focus on our Republic as a whole. This will give you an opportunity to have a bit of fun, explore various places of Kasiya or Elysia that you might not have done yet. We will be actively continuing the world narratives until the Great Mock War, before we begin a small prelude which will lead to the next arc of the core story.


World Development

You may have asked yourself, world narratives? What is that? Well, separate from the over-arching Clan Narrative, we want to keep things refreshing and different; and also canon at the same time (If you so choose for your character). To that end, a project that has been under heavy development this last half year will see light introductions over the next month, before moving into full-swing in the months ahead.

Each Magistrate has fictional control over a specific city on a different moon, Koda Kendis having Aidos and Fort Malgrim on the ice world of Elysia, and Celevon having Port Kasiya on the Taldryan homeworld of Kasiya. We will be hosting both competitions and roleplays, to further develop both of these worlds and provide ample access for everyone to be a part of that development. As the narrative progresses on each world, there will be opportunities for special events as well. (Not going into this, as quite a few are surprises).

There are also opportunities to pair with one of the three of us (soon four, once the next Pecan is selected), or others, and take these on either as a group or individually, with one of us leading it. Solo stories are slated to become a thing for those who are more shy about larger social environments, enabling them to be as involved as they want to be. This has been something we have been hearing from a decent number of people, and this is our acknowledgment that we have been planning with you all in mind.

Outside of specific areas on both worlds, most areas are open for access including all three major cities if you wish to take an adventure with yourself or others. If you need help setting this up or want one of us to run it for you, let one of us on the summit know and we will gladly help orchestrate it for you.

Our goal is to involve as many members as want to be involved in things, and accommodate where we are able for each of you. This is our first step in that direction.

There is another project in the works, which will have a teaser in my report in the next couple of months, involving a more public role for those who have wanted more involvement fictionally within the Republic's ranks or as working in a specific tradecraft within the story.


Awards and Recognition

Lastly! It wouldn't be a report without acknowledging those who have gone above and beyond for the Taldryan Republic.

April Promotions
Celevon (Elder 1)
Koda Kendis (Equite 3)
Dasha Talus (Equite 2)
Deezn Jarok (Equite 1)

May Promotions to Date
Nobilus (Equite 2)

April/May to Date Awards
Koda Kendis (1st Amethyst Kukri)
Deezn Jarok (1st Sapphire Blade)

Plagueis vs. Taldryan Feud Recognition
Deezn Jarok (1st Place with 143 points; 1st Hero of the Plagueis/Taldryan Feud)
Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya ( 4th Place with 114 points)
Benevolent Taldrya Whiner (5th Place with 113 points)
Koda Kendis (6th Place with 109 points)

Congratulations to everyone, and we salute each and every one of you! Excellent work.

And that brings this first Taldryan Republic Report to a close. Once again, I look forward to our time ahead and the success that we all have ahead of us.

For Taldryan.

Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Tyris
Taldryan Republic

Holy Shit! This application process is better than the one used by my place of employment in RL.... If I'm ever in leadership, I'm gonna have to yoink this! Gratz on the appointment buddy!

Congratulations Teebu! The way you steered the ship during the Feud was evidence that the "acting" should have been removed from your title, and so it has. Taldryan could not be in better hands!


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