The Seals are breaking - an HMR QUA Report


The Seals are breaking - an HMR QUA Report


I just wanted to get a fun-size report out for everyone, make a couple brief announcements while we wait for results from the recent Event with Plagueis. Expect a full-on after-Celebration Report with fiction and everything in a little more than two weeks.


First thing first: Hilgrif is going to be our new Battleteam Leader over in the Night Hawks. He is a fresh face, with some new ideas and will be a solid addition to the team. Look forward to an introductory report soonish, but in the meantime, be careful around his mandibles. I'm not saying that he is venomous, but I'm not saying he isn't...

Aexod returns! The good doctor has recently returned from the rogues and will be taking up residence (see what i did there?) in the Night Hawks as well. Make sure to say hi and welcome him back.

We lost a few members to the rogues as well, and they will be missed...and they will be missing out on all the fun we are lining up.



Aside from the big steel grey cog and white armored troopers the word invokes to our fan eyes, it means a lot more. Our drive toward reclaiming the Ancient Empire of the Naga Sadow is going to mean many things, many big changes to how we operate and what we do. I'd say that I don't want to hype us up too early for it, but that is a lie...and honestly, I think we are going to need some help with the first phases of our Great and Devious Plan. So, if you have some skill with the wiki, please let us know, and we will put you on the team.

Also, I am sure that fictions going forward and news reports and the like will elucidate (ooooh, fancy words) the path we are taking. Everyone privy to it has gotten pretty excited so far, and I am hoping that it will continue to build to a fever pitch.


Star Wars Celebration is in a little under two weeks. If you don't know about this event, it is a sprawling Star Wars convention that releases all manner of cool information about the new movies, books, tv shows, video games and toys relating to Star Wars. Oh, and you may have heard that there is a new movie coming out a little later this year, so I suspect we may find out something about that.

Anyway, this year, the Celebration is being held in Chicago, my home town, so Ashia and I will be gone for the long weekend, meeting up with a few other DB members who are going as well as folks like Ray Park, Billy Dee Williams, Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid. So, it's going to be a big Star Wars nerd-fest, and we'll take lots of pictures to share when we get back.

If you're going, and I don't know about it, let me know, and we'll catch up! Also, come find us, we're giving away swag. ;)

We'll see you on the flip side of the event with all of our regularly scheduled fictions, rants about EU stuff, and silly questions in addition to Celebration news. Thanks again for taking a peek.

Otherwise, keep having fun out there, and let me know if I can help with anything.


Woo, congrats Hilgrif, and enjoy Celebration!

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