Voice of the Brotherhood: CS Language and Lore Note


Voice of the Brotherhood: CS Language and Lore Note

With some CS changes going live regarding Language and Lore Skills and how they function on the CS this past week. I wanted to send some a quick notes out because many of your sheets may have become Invalid during implementation. Impact is only to sheets predating this update, so resubmitting your sheet (with necessary corrections) will validate it again.


Change: The site now checks your Linguistics Skill, Lore Skill, and Feats, to ensure appropriate number of Languages and Lore Topics are on a CS making it more intuitive for members to complete a CS, and reducing the number of remanded sheets.

  • Languages A Character Sheet became Invalid, if the number of Languages (excluding species granted languages) does not match the Linguistics skill. For Feats, James coded the site so the Feats can grant specific languages, so for those with Droidspeak, choosing the feat will automatically grant that language.

  • Lore A Character Sheet became Invalid if the number of Lore topics (excluding the default topics) did not match the Lore skill. For those who have a Species granted Feat, or otherwise, that allow for additional Lore topics, those Feats will grant additional topics when selected.

There is an Appendix A on the Skills wiki page including a sampling of Lore topics.

We are currently working on an Appendix B which will give details on Languages we will use to work on consistency and spelling across character sheets. Since some languages have multiple names.

If there are any issues experienced with this please let me know. There were updates needed to Feats on the back end to make this function in certain situations (Shards, Droidspeak, etc.)

TL;DR Check your CS and see if it’s Invalid and Validate it if necessary.

In darkness,

Evant Taelyan
Voice of the Brotherhood

James is awesome! No more words required.

hopefully it is all fixed. cause the chiss have multiple languages that they know per the wiki info

Good stuff to know. Glad to see how easily things are moving along.

Our CS language stuff is based on https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Species So if you're wondering what language(s) your species gets for free, check the wiki page!

I'll have the new Language page up later tonight, just playing with presentation. There's 99 languages atm.

The new appendix is up on the Skills page, which brings you to: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Languages

Thanks Nathan, and Shad, for referencing such awesome resources.

Just a small correction, according to canon the Aleena homeworld is Aleen not Aleen Minor as stated in the languages wiki page. Can't wait for them to get added so I can put my new CS in.

We can't wait either Tekk so we can start with the punting :P

According to canon, Aleen Minor IS Aleen.

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