Marvel Unlimited - Now with Star Wars Comics and 1 month free


Marvel Unlimited - Now with Star Wars Comics and 1 month free

Ever wish you could read back over the old Star Wars Legends comics? Wouldn't it be nice if they were available digitally? Well they are now!


Marvel Unlimited now has over 500 issues of Star Wars Legends comics available to subscribers, and is offering a one month subscription free to new or returning subscribers. Just use the promo code, stealthily hidden in the graphic above.

Comics will include stories with Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Rogue Squadron, and more in them. Now, before February I didn't much consider myself a comic guy. I tried getting into them when I was younger, but it never took hold. After the new Star Wars Comics started coming out (they'll be on Marvel Unlimited later this summer) I found myself much more interested, which was a rather pleasant surprise. I'll most likely take a dive and try this out, even if its only for the free month.

Don't delay too long though! This offer is only good until May the 5th.

This is tight. Some of those comics are awesome.

Yup, its a good find. Ernordeth pointed it out earlier today on Telegram in the DB Chat channel.

If you aren't using Telegram yet, its a fantastic way to communicate over your Mobile device with other DB members, we currently have 50 folks in the channel. No phone number required. If this prompts any new folks who are interested in getting into the DB Telegram channel after you download the App just message me @Valhavoc on it. As long as you have your Username (@ something) set up (on Mobile go to Settings, scroll down to Username below where your phone number is shown) I will be able to invite you to it. Your phone number will remain private unless you decide to share that info with other folks.

This is so cool

I'm new to this telegram thing... I tried opening a chat with you, Val, and it's waiting for you to come online to start it. Man... I must be getting old :P

Cool. Signed up.

You're in now Solari. You opened the double secret chat with me while I was asleep hehe

Marcus, if you create a new chat in telegram and invite me I can see your username to add you to DB Chat. Or post your username (configurable and displays as @name in settings) here

Welp. I know what I'm wasting my life on the next month.

modified billy Madison scene

Look everyone val is using telegram.

You ain't cool unless you are using telegram

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