New Star Wars Teaser? Don't mind if I do.


New Star Wars Teaser? Don't mind if I do.


Above you'll see the poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens that was revealed as a free gift for those who attended the Star Wars Panel at San Diego Comic Con. In it, you may notice Finn, played by John Boyega Holding a lightsaber. Some people thought this was artistic licence or maybe a fake out.




I may have squeed a little at the end. Also, hate Boyega for living out many a boys dream of holding that saber in an epic pose :P

Cool to see Finn (Boyega) with a saber. There'd been rumours all along that he was going to have one.

I'll just pick up where Howie left off...



Anyone notice the saber that John Boyega is holding? Look's like Anakin's saber that Luke eventually inherited.

Another fun fan theory I've seen floating around out there... notice the light pattern by Han's legs in the bottom right. Now remember the scene where Luke first confronts Vader in Empire Strikes Back.

As I understand it, the rumor is: Anakin's lightsaber, which Luke lost on Bespin, is found, given to Leia, makes it way into Finn's possession. Probably accurate based on trailers.

@Yacks - that also looks a bit like a moisture evaporator to me, ala Tatooine.

Yacks means next to Han's left leg (our right). The light pattern is very much Cloud City-ish, from the carbonite chamber.

Oh shit, does that mean Leia married Lando instead of Han and Finn is her son? ;P

@Raiju, oh snap!


Yes Raiju.

I've previously joked that Han is actually the bad guy and Kylo's dad, because Leia dumped him for Lando :P

Joking aside, Re: the Carbonite chamber, people have mentioned that about the poster art they released last week too. (I forget the link atm, but it's the movie art done in the style of the classic original trilogy posters, and has a big head of Kylo Ren's faceplate in the top right, underneath which are some red and black rings distinctly like on Bespin).

And, ofc, I'm being a dork, as the poster art I'm talking about is the one in the news post facepalm

In the teaser thats a very deep blue to be anakins old saber which i remember as being a pale blue not a deep rich blue

It would also be the same saber that Anakin used in the prequels, which was a deeper blue than the original movies. That'd just be due to technology in general, coupled with the fact that we're seeing Finn use it in fairly dark conditions, which would also make it stand out a bit more.

And Goat...well done :P

I forget where I read it- probably a rumour and not a fact- but I remember someone, somewhere saying Luke might recover his dad's saber in one of the books to spare the film itself needing to waste time explaining something 99% of audiences are unlikely to worry about. Forget if that was a fact or not though.

And Halc, yes, I'm a dumb, dumb Goat.

That girl must be Muz's sister. She seems to have completely coal-black eyes :D

That saber hilt is overall very similar to Anakin's Ep3 saber, but more so to the one he used as Drth Vader in the original trilogy. Neither of those had a cross milled out on the emitter shroud though. If it's one of those weapons, it has seen a bit of modding.

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