Details for Novitiate 1

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 1:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 1:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Force Disciple Initiate Initiate 186 (5.5%)
Mercenary Initiate Initiate 0 (0.0%)
Sith Initiate Initiate 3041 (90.0%)
Jedi Initiate Initiate 152 (4.5%)
Displaying members 1 - 25 of 3379 in total
PIN Rank Name
6567 Initiate Zypher
12295 Initiate zyon
15459 Initiate Zyluz
15411 Initiate Zylan casaan
15918 Initiate ZXenovic
9872 Initiate @zu!@z#1
15819 Initiate Zutlo Raku
9311 Initiate Zuka
6439 Initiate Zozridor Slayke
12798 Initiate zottesossis
10271 Initiate Zorthan
9843 Initiate zorpax
10938 Initiate Zorax
12492 Initiate ZoomAir
14181 Initiate zoodeef
13545 Initiate ZomBoyd
12991 Initiate Zolen
9469 Initiate Zoheleth
15605 Initiate Zlati
6661 Initiate Zital
7987 Initiate Zione
9254 Initiate ziggyds
12736 Initiate Zieger
10730 Initiate Zheng
13101 Initiate Zharos