Details for Novitiate 3

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 3:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 3:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Cadet Cadet 16 (0.97%)
Force Disciple Novice Novice 176 (10.71%)
Mercenary Recruit Recruit 56 (3.41%)
Sith Novice Novice 1316 (80.05%)
Jedi Novice Novice 80 (4.87%)
Displaying members 1 - 25 of 1644 in total
PIN Rank Name
17205 Recruit Seren Crypt
17204 Novice hartofluke
17203 Novice Sloth
17200 Novice Zurgur Kaeso
17199 Novice Benan
17197 Novice Calto
17195 Novice Fiddlemetimbers
17191 Recruit Razealth
17188 Novice Averice Emberbend
17187 Novice Icarus Lucius Sciticia
17169 Cadet Asthrou
17168 Novice Minato Thanatos Arisato
17167 Novice Vyrese Palestar
17166 Recruit Key
17165 Novice Gore
17164 Novice Kaia Seddoss
17163 Novice Aiden
17159 Recruit Deadite Ninja
17156 Recruit Battorion "Blacktooth" Maraudro
17154 Novice Ryoku Starsprinter
17151 Novice Kairi Lester
17148 Novice Zaid Zevere
16985 Novice Philip Brown
16958 Novice Ophelia Moonwhisper
16954 Novice TacBias