Details for Novitiate 3

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 3:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 3:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Cadet Cadet 16 (0.97%)
Force Disciple Novice Novice 176 (10.71%)
Mercenary Recruit Recruit 56 (3.41%)
Sith Novice Novice 1316 (80.05%)
Jedi Novice Novice 80 (4.87%)
Displaying members 176 - 200 of 1644 in total
PIN Rank Name
7869 Novice Kotor
10567 Novice Drak Far
8558 Novice rygarn
12733 Novice Wolf Ki'lek
6923 Novice Sasuto
11276 Novice Hyksos Amalek
5743 Novice Mathious
10791 Novice Nikushimi
10445 Novice Issan Navarr
10392 Novice Jarek
6723 Novice draven
16369 Novice tobias rex
11892 Novice Umbra Trucido
11927 Novice _Dark_HunterZ_
9961 Novice Jadeite
9921 Novice khaligh napoleon
10642 Novice Omertas
12031 Novice Kade
7602 Novice street
16598 Novice Pratom
11899 Novice Loki Balder
6596 Novice Beau
9277 Novice cronoth angmar
16600 Novice Del Oscuro
14688 Novice Verduke