Details for Journeyman 1

Rank information
Number of members at Journeyman 1:
Percentage of members at Journeyman 1:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Force Disciple Neophyte Neophyte 53 (13.66%)
Mercenary Runner Runner 15 (3.87%)
Sith Neophyte Neophyte 291 (75.0%)
Loyalist Corporal Corporal 4 (1.03%)
Jedi Neophyte Neophyte 25 (6.44%)
Displaying members 1 - 25 of 388 in total
PIN Rank Name
12463 Neophyte Flint
16873 Neophyte Rylem Westrev
16642 Neophyte Xarpa Juk
14147 Neophyte tao tae
15408 Neophyte Zekk Terrik
14493 Neophyte Theron
9583 Neophyte Valanis
13817 Neophyte Trakkar Sommelin
15710 Neophyte StarMighty
16536 Neophyte Waden Skylanders
14004 Neophyte Autumn Axiuos
13176 Neophyte Maki Starhunter
14891 Neophyte Gug Yolthian
14894 Neophyte Xy Yur
14063 Neophyte Nayla Kaui
14435 Neophyte Aen Van Del
14245 Neophyte Killandra Serrin
11662 Neophyte Lan Orsalan
14389 Neophyte Ulim Paxiom
14839 Neophyte CharLotteGoesStarWars
13960 Neophyte Kagerou Sunnyside
15811 Neophyte Wirsk'rismar'kastra
14733 Neophyte Ar'ekk Daesharacor
11504 Neophyte Xylean Khaisan
16906 Neophyte Marek Voss