Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn vs. Professional Jasper Arlow

Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Tarentum
Female Togruta, Sith, Shadow

Professional Jasper Arlow

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Human, Mercenary, Scavenger
Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed
Combatants Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn, Professional Jasper Arlow
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Professional Jasper Arlow's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Nar Shaddaa: Refugee Sector
Last Post 25 July, 2017 12:04 AM UTC

Nar Shaddaa Refugee Sector

A cesspool of the downtrodden, the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa is home to both the unfortunate and criminals alike. Offering their protection for credits, the criminal organizations that control the sector tax the populace outrageous sums. Unable to provide these fees, refugees are forced to work under hazardous conditions producing glitterstim and adrenals for their overseers. Some of these refugees are addicted to the substances themselves—for which the cartels increase the price of their tithes in exchange for a share of the product.

Crammed with stalls and makeshift hovels, several of the sector’s inhabitants find refuge on the streets and in the alleyways. Those who managed to avoid the dangers of drug production can be found selling their limited and often defective goods to others. Behind these stalls a selective stock of black market wares is hidden, reserved for mercenaries and thugs.

Nar Shaddaa Refugee Sector

Littered with garbage, it is obvious that no maintenance droids have been programmed to maintain the sector. The surrounding towers have fallen into decay, bits of debris falling every so often into the middle of the street. The duracrete streets are covered in a film of filth and chemicals from the abandoned warehouses, making movement cumbersome when traveling through the most inhabited areas.

Patrols armed with blasters and vibroswords come through these areas regularly, making a show of force to advertise the merits of their ‘protection’ while extorting the occasional shopkeeper. Screams and shouts are a common enough sound, which is never in the refugees’ best interests to interfere in.

A shadowed figure melted into the waves of pedestrians, cloak fluttering behind her. She waded through the filth, dodging litter with each graceful step. She paused alongside the makeshift stalls, watching her prey just a few booths ahead.

“Time ta goooo, Spot!” the copper-haired girl sang as she leaned over a table of bootleg holovids, tapping on the BB-unit behind it. The flower-covered astromech chirped and rolled out, circling her enthusiastically. “Sorry I took ferever.” She patted her pocket. “Ya got tha other one?”

The droid beeped merrily in reply. Jasper nodded approvingly and turned back to the stall, waving over the owner. “Hey, Yorben! Thanks fer watchin’ Spot. Tell yer Mama an’ them we say hi.”

“Anytime, Jas. Can’t thank ya enough,” the Nautolan patted her on the shoulder, happily accepting a credit stick from the girl.

Back in the shadows, Tahiri spared a moment to review her datapad. Jasper Arlow… red hair… Odan-Urr… distinctive droids… Satisfied that the girl was her mark, the Sith tucked the device away and waited.

The pair left the booth, staying on the edge of the crowded street. It wasn’t long before the girl brushed past her hunter, completely lost in conversation with her droid.

A gloved hand snapped out, dragging Jasper into the shadows. Before she had time to recover, Tahiri twisted her grip, pulling the girl closer. Jasper resisted, jerking back and knocking her head against her captor’s chin.

“Be still,” the Sith hissed, her hood slipping away from her montrals as Jasper tugged forward, pulling them into the flickering neon light that bathed the street.

Jasper froze as a piercing yellow gaze drove through her. The Human sized up the other woman and smiled. She’d seen many Togruta in her travels, but, as far as she could remember, never a cherry colored one. “Kin... I help ya?”

Jasper’s smile faded as she felt the tip of a dagger against her side. “Give me the holodisk and I let you walk free.”

“Hey, no need ta play ugly,” Jasper wiggled under the Togruta’s tightening grip, the knife pressing harder with every word.

“I know you’re delivering something tonight,” a devious smirk blossomed across black lips.

“Say what?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Odanite.”

“Now, now. Don’t go an’ make a spectacle of yerself.” Jasper cast a sidelong glance at the ground and grinned.

Suddenly, Spot rolled back and began to chirp wildly. Before the Sith had a chance to consider the droid, he charged towards her, smashing into her leg. The Togruta stumbled back as Jasper twisted free and took off down the crowded street.

Tahiri’s frustrated roar joined the dissonance of the district. Anger seeped from every grumble as she pushed herself upright and followed in pursuit.

Up ahead, a throng of people blocked off the street. The Odanite considered her options. There were too many people—too many innocents to have an old fashioned, high-noon showdown. Without time to think, Jasper took the next turn and was immediately greeted by a pair of illegally parked swoop bikes.

“Par Cord!” Jasper shouted, shifting the weight of her E-11 blaster as she sprung over one of the bikes. What even is a Par Cord? she mused, looking back just in time to see Spot spin out from behind the chassis of a speeder, nearly knocking over some poor Bothan as he whirled after her.

Distracted by her droid, Jasper soon found herself in a dark alleyway. It was a slit between tall walls and stank of crude oil. At the end, she found a locked durasteel door.

The girl leaned against the threshold and began to fiddle with its keypad as she weighed the present dangers. Knife er mystery door? Mystery door.

After a few uninterrupted moments, the unlocked indicator flashed on the keypad. She beamed, proud of herself, and turned to tell Spot.

Instead, she frowned and heaved the stock of her blaster against her shoulder.

At the alley opening, the Togruta woman appeared, illuminated by the red glow of a lightsaber.

“Fiddlesticks!” Jasper waved Spot behind her. The astromech turned to give her an indignant stare, but obliged.

Without hesitation, Tahiri bounded forward. “Guess we’re gonna play tag,” Jasper sighed and opened fire.

Amused by the girl’s poor aim, the Warrior twirled, effortlessly deflecting the incoming volley into the ground. “Tag?” Tahiri scoffed as she swirled her blade. “That’s a game you’re sure to lose.”

Tahiri sized up Jasper and her little flower covered BB unit, while repelling more randomly aimed blaster bolts with ease. “Come to think of it,” the Sith cocked her head, chuckling softly and smiling slyly. “You probably wouldn’t even win at hide-and-go-seek either, especially with your little brightly colored droid there. Cute colors, but far too clingy to hide very well.”

Tahiri slowly advanced toward the Mercenary as she desperately tried to hit Tahiri with every bolt she could. However, this was to no avail, and Tahiri could tell that the young woman was running out of options.

She’ll probably try something impulsive, gotta be ready for anything. Including that damn little annoying droid of hers. Definitely need to watch out for that little thing, grunting while making that last part a little self-note. She contemplated on how to get the holodisk, barely noticing some of the bolts that flew high above her head.

The alleyway didn’t allow for a lot of room to maneuver either side, however she could go up. It would be tight though to get between the Odanite and the door beyond, Tahiri would also have to somehow deal with the droid as well. Realizing that for every step she took forward, Jasper inched even closer to the door. Knowing that, like any cornered animal, the Mercenary could easily have some trick up her sleeve to escape, or at the very least do something irrational and dangerous.

“Listen Jasper, all I want is that holodisk, you give it to me and I’ll spare you.” the Sith paused and lowered her saber for a second, before having to deflect a bolt which almost hit her face.

“And I won’t hurt your little droid. Too much,” the corner of Tahiris’ lip curled up slightly, revealing her sharp white teeth, reminded of the huge bruise on her calve that was slowly and annoyingly throbbing. Tahiri watched with satisfaction as the blood drain slightly from Jaspers’ face while the threat sank in.

“Yer nevr going to hurt Spot,” replied the girl through clinched teeth as she released another hurried volley. “Ovr my dead body!”

“That can be arranged Odanite, but I would rather just have the holodisk,” Tahiri replied matter of factly, raising an eyebrow as she deftly deflected and dodged the poorly aimed bolts.

Jasper glanced down as the little droid chirped indignantly and rolled out from behind the Odanite’s leg. A barrage of chirps and whirls filled the alley, as the little BB unit rolled back and forth in front of his master, challenging the Sith.

Tahiri laughed as she paused, watching the little display. “Aaww, how cute,” a smirk spread across her black lips as Tahiri slowly reached over her shoulder and unsheathed the blacked-out vibroblade which hung on her back. “Little... Spot was it? Yes, little Spot wants to take me on.”

“Spot come. NOW!!” shouted Jasper. Tahiri looked back up at the Mercenary just in time to see the girl lob something down the alleyway while opening the door behind her.

Damn it, not good, she thought as she extinguished her saber and reached for the Force. Extending two fingers, she gripped the grenade, and with a flick of her wrist, threw it past her towards the entrance of the alleyway. Not waiting, or wanting to see what sort of grenade it was, Tahiri ran full speed towards the door that Jasper had carelessly left cracked open in the Odanite's own rush to escape.

Throwing herself through the door just as a small explosion rocked through the alley. Getting up, Tahiri looked back down the alley and watched in horror as the shock wave started to implode back in on itself. Jumping up, Tahiri swung the door shut as the heat from the second explosion tried to push its way through.

Upon hearing the hiss and click of the locking mechanism as the Sith held the door shut, was all she needed to step back. Taking a breath she looked around the room she had run into, and found herself in a dimly lit warehouse. “Oh joy,” Tahiri sighed, as she ignited her saber, bathing the large area with its red glow.

This post is hidden until both final posts have been placed.

This match has concluded by way of draw.