Warlord Rayze Erinos Arconae vs. Battlelord Rasilvenaira Isatri'Zara StormRaven

Warlord Rayze Erinos Arconae

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Sith, Marauder

Battlelord Rasilvenaira Isatri'Zara StormRaven

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Female Human, Sith, Shadow
Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed
Combatants Warlord Rayze Erinos Arconae, Battlelord Rasilvenaira Isatri'Zara StormRaven
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Rayze Erinos Arconae's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Battlelord Rasilvenaira Isatri'Zara StormRaven's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Hoth: Ice Cave
Last Post 25 July, 2017 12:06 AM UTC

Hoth Ice Cave

On the fringes of the Outer Rim territories and famous for being the one-time location of the Rebel Alliance, Hoth is a frigid world marred with fissures created from the tidal pull of Hoth’s three moons. Blanketed in a frozen ocean, massive oceanic currents beneath the southern hemisphere are the cause of constant seismic activities that result in a constantly shifting landscape of tunnels and caves.

Buried into the side of a fissure reaching hundreds of meters into the core of the planet is a network of tunnels leading into a cave. Its sole entrance is suspended within the wall of the fissure, requiring one to rappel down the dangerous crevasse and into the tunnels; one small miscalculation could send explorers descending the rest of the unmeasured height deep within the planet’s core.

Hoth Ice Cave

Insulated under several hundred meters of ice in all directions, the cave is protected against the gale force winds and the intense snowstorms that sweep along the planet’s surface. As a result, the cave is warmer than most of Hoth’s unforgiving cold with melting icicles dangling precariously overhead. In turn, this allows for more life to grow in addition to being a promising habitat for the hulking wampas that have been trapped this far below the surface. Beginning to thaw, it is obvious that this cave will eventually fall victim to seismic activity and disappear into the sheets of ice that surround it. Illuminating the cave’s interior with a dull blue glow, the luminous forms of lichen have taken up residence among the bones of the creatures unfortunate enough to be trapped here.

Caution must be exercised if one is to navigate the slippery slopes of the cave as melted icicles drip onto the cavern’s floor surface. In one corner of the cave, the ocean water has accumulated to form a large pool, providing sustenance to the rare lumni-spice growing within the crystalline complex, never to see the blue-white sun.

Hoth, she cursed mentally, Why does it always have to be thrice-damned Hoth?

Rasilvenaira dropped into a crouch as she reached the relative safety of the cave's floor. She pulled her cloak tighter against her slender frame as her dark eyes scanned the oddly illuminated cavern. She dropped her hands to her weapons, double checking nothing got lost on the way down. Satisfied, she stood and began slowly moving further into the cave. The Sith let her senses stretch out, searching for her target. There were many signs of life echoing through the Force, but the one she was looking for wasn't in the immediate vicinity.

Cursing under her breath, the Battlelord continued on. She drew the Arashi-Kumori from its sheathe, opting for the silence of the double-bladed dagger over the all too noticeable and easily identifiable hum of a lightsaber.

Next time Xen tells me to go find someone and they end up on Hoth, I swear I'll kill him.

Rasilvenaira growled under her breath as she crept along using what shadows she could find with the strange light from the lichen casting unwelcome glows around her. After several minutes she finally caught sight of her target. The Arconae was easy to spot, given his rather imposing size. A cold grin spread over the Sith's features as she plotted her next moves.

Rasilvenaira hated the cold, she hated Hoth, but she hated Clan Arcona even more, and the Arconae were their favored elite. Nothing pleased her more than the prospect of putting an end to one of them. Still, she remained cautious, this certainly wasn't going to be a fight she could afford to be careless with.

Drawing on her hatred, the Battlelord delved deep into the ebb and flow of the Force, and focused on keeping her presence hidden as she angled nearer. Rasilvenaira knew she'd only have one shot at a quick finish, if she missed...

This could get really ugly, really fast, she mused silently.

She was a mere two meters from her quarry when a large shard of ice dropped from the cave's ceiling with a thunderous crash just to her left. The sound and sudden vibration through the cave's floor broke Rasilvenaira's focus. She suddenly found herself quite plainly visible, and the Arconae's attention now rested on her as he'd turned in response to the sound. His lightsaber snapped to life with an angry hiss as he studied her.

This match has concluded by way of draw, no post by Rayze so no points awarded to him. Match extension does not effect the conclusion of the event unfortunately.