Guardian Duelist Turel Sorenn vs. Sith Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Guardian Duelist Turel Sorenn

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Guardian, Marauder

Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Sith, Seeker
Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed
Combatants Guardian Duelist Turel Sorenn, Sith Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Guardian Duelist Turel Sorenn's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Sith Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Shadow Academy - Central Library of Lyspair
Last Post 23 August, 2015 8:26 PM UTC

The library was designed to look ancient. Old architecture. Cold, grey brick. High arches and a vaulted, domed ceiling. Wrought-iron sconces hang from the walls to provide light, flickering with real flames. It had all been crafted to hide the fact that the Academy was less than two decades old. The lower level is rectangular, twice as long as it is wide. The middle is filled with chairs and tables, where students study. On either side, large wooden bookshelves hold tomes of knowledge accessible to all members of the Brotherhood. In the center of the floor stands a monument to Jedgar Octavius Paladin, the founder of the first Shadow Academy.

By taking one of the two main staircases on the North and South sides of the library, one can access the second floor. The two sides of the upper level are connected by stone pathways, and the first floor was completely visible below. The upper level held fewer tomes, but contained more advanced knowledge. Often, it's used by students who required silence and introspection for their studies.

Despite the solemn purpose of the library, fights still break out between the students, who always seek to prove themselves against their peers. Punishment awaits those who damage the library, but rarely do instructors step in to stop the fights. Students usually watch in interest, or place bets on the combatants, glad for the show to break up the monotony of their studies

You know you will have to answer for your transgressions, but you can no longer contain the desire to fight. You listen to the whispers as the other students place bets, but you can also sense those who might ally with or against you. The Academy may be a place of neutrality, but it was hard to leave loyalty to your House at the door. You brush your thumb over your weapon, focusing on your opponent as tables clear around you. There is no turning back now…

“Right this way Duelist Sorenn.” A chrome plated protocol droid beckoned in a tinny voice as it led its Human patron through the stacks. Turel followed absently behind the droid as his mind wandered to the state of the Academy and how little had changed since he resigned his Professorship. Assistance droids scurried about the hall as students poured over ancient texts seeking to gain an advantage over rivals.

As the pair traversed the ground floor of the library students stole glances and discretely whispered to one another regarding this curious stranger in their midst. Turel grinned; he had made it a point to wear his Patriarch robes with its earthen cloak and Guardian teal sash. He was very obviously a Jedi, which was an extremely rare sight in the Shadow Academy. Most of the Odanites preferred to use the library of the Arca Praxeum on New Tython. While it held a decent collection, it paled in comparison to the Shadow Academy. His mission here involved the retrieval of information not available in the Praxeum.

“Here is the information you seek, stack number 8-6753-09, all volumes relating to O'reenian civilization.” The protocol droid pointed to a particular shelf on the stack.

Turel approached and examined the volumes on the shelf: intel reports, surveys, all known historical data, it was precisely what he was looking for. “Thanks J-9.”

“You are very welcome Duelist Sorenn.” The droid bowed with a flourish and sauntered back to the main reference desk.

The Jedi stood in front the stack pursuing the various volumes and selecting the ones he’d take to a study alcove for further reading. He chuckled in a moment of self-realization; he had never thought of himself as a scholar yet, when Odan-Urr needed someone to conduct research at the Academy, he was the first to volunteer.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by two students in Acolyte robes cut in the crimson of the Sith order. The students were stealing glances at him from around a corner when they thought he wasn’t looking and doing a very poor job of hiding it. Smiling to himself, he waited until the next time one of them tried to sneak a peek. He quickly looked up from his datapad directly at the student and lunged forward like he was going to attack them. “BOO!” The students jumped back behind the corner and scurried off to find a new vantage point.

Turel resumed his research for another several minutes before his thoughts were again interrupted by a familiar presence. “When I heard there was a Jedi lurking around here I knew it had to be you Sorenn.” The Imperial-accented male voice dripped with contempt.

The Jedi lifted his head from the volume he was examining. “Hello Andrelious, didn’t expect to find you here. I didn’t know they taught fighter pilots how to read, since they could train a monkey to fly and all.” The older Sith crossed his arms over his fading Imperial flight suit and scowled with intense irritation. Turel put his datapad and volumes on the shelf then turned to give the former Arconan his undivided attention.

“Very funny traitor, I’ll have you know I’m a senior archivist now.” Andrelious ran his fingers absently through his brown hair in a dismissive manner.

Turel nodded with a sarcastic smile. “Good to hear. How’s Taldryan treating you?” He tapped his lip in a mocking gesture of thought. “How did you end up there anyway? Was Atyiru’s reign so offensive to you that you had to pack up and join them?

The Sith pulled the cloak he was wearing over his flightsuit back momentarily to reveal the twin sabers on his belt. “Laugh all you want Jedi filth, I know your tricks and there isn’t any summit guard or Fades here to stop me. Atyiru can’t protect you now.”

Sorenn cocked an eyebrow, thoroughly unimpressed with the implied threat. “If you’ll recall the last time you tried to kill me, I didn’t need any of their protection to beat you.” He made a large gesture with both arms outstretched, palms facing the ceiling. “Think about where we are, are you really about to start a duel with me in the middle of the library like some snot-nosed Acolyte?” He returned his arms to his side and tilted his head as if he were speaking to someone behind the Sith. “No offense to you two back there, I know you’re eavesdropping.”

Andrelious reached for his sabers. “Let the young Sith watch, they need to learn how to properly deal with baby-snatchers.”

Turel sighed. Here we go again.

Thumbing the activation switch on his silver handled lightsaber, Andrelious began to move towards his opponent almost before his weapon’s crimson blade sprung into life. Turel readied his own lightsaber, and charged at the Sith, his brilliant speed closing the gap in no time. Andrelious parried his enemy’s first attack, quickly remembering how much trouble he’d had when the two of them had last crossed lightsabers in the jungle of Myrkr. Turel had won a victory that day, adding the desire of revenge to the deep hatred that the Warlord had towards anything that walked the light path.

“Such anger. Such hatred. At least you’re with the other veterans now,” Sorenn taunted.

“We’ve had this talk before, Jedi. I was hoping your time in Arcona would make you see how blinkered your view on the Force was. Obviously you’re just too stubborn,” the Sith hissed back. His eyes were already glinting red; Turel had a knack of winding him up.

Using his superior height, Turel rained a series of incredibly agile blows all across his opponent’s body. Forced to reach above his head to block the attacks, Andrelious found the Guardian’s blade unrelenting in its quest to once again prove that the light side would always prevail. As he continued to fight defensively, the Warlord studied his enemy’s pattern, looking for anything that he could turn to his advantage. As Turel moved rapidly from left to right in an attempt to beat the Sith for pace, Andrelious stepped back, raising his arms. As the Duelist adjusted to the Taldryanite’s new position, Sorenn noticed that the floor was no longer there. He craned his neck downwards to see Andrelious smirking up at him.

“I thought I was the one who liked flying!” Andrelious mocked, returning to his fighting stance as the Force let Turel go. The Guardian slammed hard into the floor, chest first.

Struggling to his feet, Sorenn coughed a few times, spitting out a little blood as he tried to regain composure. His breathing had become incredibly erratic, the impact having damaged his ribs. Andrelious, seeing and sensing his opponent’s weakness, immediately attacked with his lightsaber, forcing the Duelist into a defensive stance.

“It’s time to put the die in Jedi, Sorenn!” Andrelious yelled.

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