Amethyst Kukri Breakdown

Award information

The Amethyst Kukri is a bladed weapon designed for chopping and hacking rather than slashing or stabbing. Elegantly crafted from a solid piece of amethyst and elegantly flowing from tip to pommel. The chemistry of the blade itself allows it to deflect blaster bolts or disruptors, but will break under the powerful energy of a lightsaber blade.

Award statistics
Number of Amethyst Kukris awarded:
Number of members having at least one Amethyst Kukri:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Amethyst Kukri:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Amethyst Kukri:
Average number of Amethyst Kukris (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Amethyst Kukris (per member having at least one Amethyst Kukri)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 128 69.19%
2 41 22.16%
3 12 6.49%
4 2 1.08%
5 2 1.08%
Displaying recipients 76 - 100 of 178 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
6705 Augur Cethgus Tiberius Entar 1
7388 Grand Master Dacien Victae 2
7563 Master Raken 1
7589 Warlord Archangel Palpatine 1
7640 Eminent Occultan Iacul 2
7722 Knight Kaz Raith 1
7759 Battlelord Zomboie 1
7764 Warden Jafits Skrumm 1
8106 Adept Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow 1
8405 Warlord Rayne Palpatine 1
8431 Adept Orv Dessrx 1
8533 Warlord Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae 1
8650 Eminent Valhavoc 1
8893 Warlord Legorii Arconae 1
8930 Adept Vynn Salm 1
9056 Adept Zxyl Bes'uliik 3
9118 Grand Master Aramis Taelyan 1
9426 Adept Alaris Jinn 5
9676 Adept Ronovi Tavisaen 1
9709 Vanguard Zebina 1
10013 Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae 1
10057 Vanguard Aerwin Tribwell-Urr 1
10106 Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr 1
10214 Prophet Marick Tyris Arconae 4
10311 Adept Locke Sonjie 1