Character Sheet Reference

Displaying 1 Skill
Skill Description Created / Updated

An individual's understanding of physiology, anatomy, cell structure and various systems (such as nerves, digestive, and vascular) on their native species. Through experience, one can learn how to treat subjects of multiple races beyond his or her own as well as expand his or her knowledge in how best to treat different types of injuries. Medicine not only grants the ability to heal, but the ability to harm as well- an expert in medicine will know what cures poison, but can use the very same knowledge to accelerate or even create their own poison.

Medicine +0: You know the importance of hydration, how to execute the heimlich maneuver, and that it is important to keep blood on the inside of your body, not the outside.

Medicine +1: You know basic First Aid and CPR, and you can spot the common symptoms of the well known illnesses and injuries of the Galaxy. You can clean a wound and apply stitches, but only in a safe environment.

Medicine +2: Your medical training allows you to bring your skills into the field. You are able to treat species that are anatomically similar to your own, clean and treat wounds, apply stitches, and recognize toxins.

Medicine +3: You have a working anatomical understanding of the more popular species in the Galaxy and how to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses and injuries. You can apply your knowledge of anatomy to inflicting pain on bones, muscles, or pressure points.

Medicine +4: Like an advanced surgeon, you can successfully amputate a limb on the battlefield without worry of infection. You can effectively treat most humanoid species and apply knowledge of anatomy to mend or cause harm.

Medicine +5: Cutting edge research physician / surgeon, you discover cures to rare diseases and invent new surgical techniques. You are able to diagnose and treat all but the rarest of humanoid species in the Galaxy, and can do so in the middle of an active war zone without so much as flinching.

Related Feats: Blood Bath, Hippocratic, Just A Flesh Wound I, Just A Flesh Wound II, Steady Hands I, Steady Hands II, Steady Hands III, Xenobiology I, Xenobiology II, and Xenobiology III

Prerequisites: None

2013/07/20 / 2017/11/29