Details for ACC Fundamentals

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
77% 2 0.82%
80% 1 0.41%
81% 4 1.65%
86% 11 4.53%
87% 1 0.41%
90% 25 10.29%
93% 2 0.82%
95% 40 16.46%
96% 2 0.82%
100% 168 69.14%
Displaying graduates 176 - 200 of 243 in total
PIN Rank Name
13789 Hunter Nash Kronos
13796 Corsair Aiden Dru
13802 Master Dracaryis
13810 Novice Ilsa Tirana
13811 Acolyte Vassago Shax
13819 Battlemaster Kul'tak Drol
13820 Brigadier General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
13823 Battlelord Armad
13824 Battlelord Nobilus
13830 Adept Rajhin Cindertail
13831 Augur Edgar Drachen
13835 Padawan Malathion
13840 Warrior Athrun Zala
13848 Knight Marduss
13855 Warrior Kooks
13876 Vanguard Maximus Alvinius
13880 Battlelord Qor Kith
13883 Mystic Antar Locke
13897 Seer Morax Darkblade
13922 Vanguard Tisto Kingang
13923 Eminent Giyana Jurro
13927 Reaver Mauro Wynter
13944 Reaver Kanal O'neill
13949 Knight Gellm'arco'nuruodo
13957 Mystic Revs