Event Details

Event ID
Cassandra El'sin
Source Unit
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Primary reason

For a long time now I have considered transferring out of Plagueis, I have tried my best to fight it off but I feel like the time has come for a change. It’s not like I’ve only been here for a short time, but far over two years, so this place has been a home for a long time. It has seen many changes and has never fully recovered, not matter of anyone’s tries and hope for it. But the will of Plagueis is still there, it has members that can make it great and I do hope to still see it rise again. But for me, the time to move on has come.

Kal, you’re a member worthy to hold in high regard. And I still hope that you will lead Plagueis in the right direction alongside your Aedile. As well as the many members that carries the will of fire for this House.

It’s just my time to soar off to somewhere else, it might not work out, or it could be great. Plagueis will be a home to me always, and perhaps someday I will come back.

But for now I guess its farewell.

Thank you for everything guys,

Cassandra El’sin

Cassandra El'sin, 2011-03-21 11:11:32 UTC