Marcinius Turelles

Journeyman 4, Rogues, Force Disciple
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
5346 words in 4 activities
4363 words in 14 posts and 6 activities
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Displaying all 10 fiction activity reports
Abomination Run On
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Macron Goura Sadow

Transmogrification [CNS Clan Runon]
Textual submission

Manually added by Augur Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

The path to here...
Textual submission

Message to Muz: I may need to tweak some things in this before this goes to my wiki. I want to run it by you to see if you approve. Enjoy! I'm eager to see your feedback as well as get into your writing courses you talked about on the G+!

The months following the invasion of Korriban was a rough time for the young Knight known as Daedric. He struggled from weeks to months trying to comprehend what happened to him while he was in the catacombs of Korriban with a Krath Pontifex messing with his thoughts and memories. As time passed he learned how to deal with the voices that lingered, turning them into fear and then into hate which fueled his determination to grow stronger. His desire to grow was short lived.

Some could call it being at the wrong place at the wrong time, Daedric saw it as a twist of fate. A inner-house conflict broke out while he was on patrol with a local warhost unit near the Marka Ragnos territory. Two powerful Elders battled one another of the ability to perform a rite. One side, you had the former Grandmaster, Grandmaster Muz Ashen Keibatsu; The Lion of Tarthos. On the other was Darth Vexatus; The Oracle’s Apprentice. Both Sons of Sadow, both power Lords of the Sith.

Darth Vexatus was performing a rite in which he believed would bring him power. Grandmaster Ashen, knew different. The rite that was being performed was Force Imprint. A powerful ritual that rips the connection to the Force for a unwilling recipient. The two battled, with Darth Vexatus being able to conjure the ritual in a small nature before Grandmaster Ashen was able to stop it; That’s all it took.

Daedric was hit by the ritual, shredding his connection to the Force. Such a feat rendered him unconscious. A month later he awoke in a bacta tank, near Kar Alabrek. Unsure of what exactly happened he attempted to use the Force to free himself from the tank, but it failed.

After an extended stay in rehabilitation Daedric was released. A void had filled him, and even though he had anger, hate, despair and utterly depressed; None of the emotions gave him power. It wasn’t until one morning when he was in the Academy, training in blaster combat tactics that an opportunity presented itself. A tall muscular being approached him, dressed in armor in which Daedric had never seen before.

He introduced himself as part of the Niphilim, an elite group of warriors whose loyalties lay with Grandmaster Muz Ashen himself. After a quite hefty discussion Daedric agreed to enter the training of the Niphilim. It would be like no other, but what other choice did he have. A powerful elder ripped the force from him, leaving him useless and vulnerable. Though he still had the training of saber combat and battlefield tactics, he felt like a helpless babe lying in a crib.

The day in which he started his training he decided that he no longer had the right to carry the name Daedric, which was given to him upon entering into the Shadow Academy. He decided to revert back to his birth name, Marcinius.

The training of the Niphilim was horrendous. It was nothing that he could have ever imagined walking into it. Day after day of combat, both sword and blaster, followed by intense physical workouts along side constant studying of battlefield tactics. Day after day his body was broken, only to be repaired in bacta tanks over night. He was broken mentally, physically and emotionally. Everything he thought he knew, was gone as the Niphilim tore it from him to rebuild him in there image.

Months of training and he still did not bear the title of Niphilim. He believed that day would never come, and to this day is still hasn’t.

One morning after their vigorous work outs, his training officer approached him stating that he was being reassigned. Feeling angered that he had failed, he lashed out. Quickly being put into his place and scolded by the superior Niphilim. He learned that the only way he can obtain the title Niphilim was to be granted it by Grandmaster Muz Ashen. Therefore he was being reassigned to the Night Hawks of House Marka Ragnos where he can either prove himself, or be killed.

Therefore, Marcinius went to the Night Hawks to prove his worth and loyalty to Grandmaster Muz Ashen and one day, earn the title of Niphilim.

Awakenings - Runon
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Red Fury: The Tides of War
Textual submission

Manually added by SWL Xen'Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine

Textual submission

Manually added

Project D.I.E
Marcinius Turelles opted out of publishing his submission.