Consul Report


Consul Report

Dark Greetings Tarentum,

This won't be the usual report. . .more of just a retirement spiel. =P Yea, getting straight to the point, you read right. . .after almost two years as your Consul, I've decided it's finally time to step down and give someone else a go. I'm going to have a pretty active summer and even more so when school starts back up again as I'll be working more.. so I need to allow time for some real life things. And plus I'd just like to go back to my old House and hang out in Gladius again.

So before any insane ideas start -- I am not leaving because I'm mad, bitter. . .or anything of the sort. Just need some real life time and I will continue to help out Tarentum on the House level or however I'm needed. :)

I won't make this extremely long -- just say that it was my pleasure to serve as Consul of Clan Tarentum and it was really the only position I ever aspired to because since I was a TET in Gladius I wanted to be better able to help out the whole Clan. . .because you're all just great that way. We're in a time of rebuilding and all of you, the members of this Clan, have been and I hope and imagine will continue to be a tremendous help to restoring the honour and spirit of Tarentum. And I'll still be here to help as I'm needed, more proud than ever to serve among and for all of you. =)

And, yea, so. In other news:

Krath High Priest Report

Posted By KPN Alanna - 5/31/2003 [4:09:33 PM]


Sorry I'm a bit late this week.

  1. KMTs for May are now closed. They'll be marked in the next few days (hopefully tomorrow), and new ones will be released :)

  2. Independence games! -- Until the 7th. :)

  3. Exodus comp.


Interclub Training Event!

Posted by OWL Telaris "Mav" Cantor - 5/31/2003 [1:14:08 PM]

1 Comment

Come one, come all, to the interclub training event on IRC right now in #Outerrim! Starts at 4 pm EST and goes until people stop playing, so show up and play JK, JO, XvT, XWA, GB, or Fleet Command!

Annd. . .everyone, of all orders, go post now fast away on the Disfunctional Family Run-on on the Tarentum (Gladius) Board. And don't forget that the Tarentum website still needs help and if you have the skills - go harass Sith so he can put them to work.

So here ends the sixth 'chapter' of Tarentum History. Cheers and long live Tarrie. ;)

  • Gladius -

Guess what Gladius? It's time for another fabulous House report from yours

truly. The first of many, I'm sure, in my second run of Quaestor. If you

remember my reports during my last run, I had a habit of having "sponsors" in

the first paragraph. Yes, this practice will be continued. I had as much fun

coming up with them as I hope some of you did reading them.

This one's going to be on the shorter side. Just so you all know, I don't get

into the habit of pasting news from the DB site on my reports. The only

reason I never did, it just got annoying to have to scroll through all sortsa

junk you probably read before, and I hate long emails anyways. The only thing

I might ever do is pick out important parts, but I'll just paraphase, and

tell it to you in my own way.


We've got two more people added to our amazing bunch. One is Novice Raziel

Luthien. In talking to the Tridens QUA, Rekio Corsair, it seems he has been

doing some recruiting on our behalf, and Raziel is one of them. :) I'd like

to thank Rekio, and I'd like to welcome Raziel to our House officially. It's

good to have him, and I'm sure he'll add to the flavor of Gladius, and make

the Hosue that much better.

Also among us, returning from the ranks of the undead, so to speak ;) is our

own KP Kidouses. I'm sure some of you will remember Kudos. Of course, don't

expect to see Kudos around during the daytime (ICly), but that's a story you

should hear from him. But it's good to have the both of them with us, and I

hope you're all stoked to have them, too.

Promotions and Medals:

None recently. However, there's always opportunity. The Exodus Competition is

going on, and we've got a run-on going for that at, and you're

also encouraged to write the solo stories for Alanna, about how you (and the

rest of us) reacted during the split, and ended up where we are. Now, the

little twist for Tarentum. We're staying where we are. Tarentum has too much

history and ties within the Minos Cluster, so your stories should revolve

around how we stayed, and the EH Tarentum members leaving, and going back to

EH space.

Also, I think I remember Telona telling me something about having found

someone to take over running our Jedi Trials for her? If she did, whoever

that was, could you get in touch with me? I want to look over what she did,

and see if there's ways we can improve upon it, and allow for people to get

promoted as quickly as they desire. One of my things, I don't think time

should be a requirement. If you're doing the work, and putting your heart

into it, that's all that should matter for getting medals and promotions.

Phyles. Everyone who knows me knows I always press Phyles. Phyles are the

elite warriors of the Houses, and are those who are dedicated to doing the

best, and fighting on behalf of your House, and your Clan. If you're

interested in joining the Phyle Mystics of the Black Arts, get in touch with

me. I'll be getting in touch with Jason about membership, and changes to the

Phyle, etc. The Mystics has an amazing history, of which I was once a part.

And a number of the House Members were, too. If you're curious, drop an email

to the House. Those of us who were there are sure to be glad to tell you

little tidbits of our run of excellence.

And finally, one last thing so I don't stretch this out into a novel. I

usually do my reports on Saturday, to have in to the Clan Summit so they can

do their report by Sunday. That's how it was when I was QUA before, and since

I've been back, it looks like things have been a little lax, but at least in

this House, it's going to be a little more regulated. We have to make sure

we're keeping ourselves on track and busy, so we don't fall into inactivity.

Jason, I want your Phyle's reports submitted by no later than Saturday

Morning, so I can have a report sent out at the very latest of Saturday

afternoon. I hate reports, but there's sometimes where things have to be

said, and our superiors need to keep track of us. And we need to make sure

we're boosting Phyle activity. You might want to see about setting up a MB

explicitly for the Phyle. If you need help setting one up, just let me know,

and I'll help.

And that's all for now, Krathies. Expect more from me as it comes. Starting

next week, House reports will be coming Saturday, so that you can read them

at your leisure when you're around the house on Saturday afternoon, or

Sunday, or whatnot. And let's make sure to stay busy. There's enough going on

at the MB to keep us

all busy, and I'll be getting things running on a House competition level

within the next month.

Oh yeah. Just to see how many people actually read at the bottom of my

reports, I'll now begin taking Applications for the position of AED> I don't

care what your rank is. If you think you have something to add to the House,

drop an application in my Inbox. Just tell me what kind of thoughts you have

for the House, experience helps (but isn't necessary in the slightest, since

I'll be here to train you if need be), and give me ideas on things you think

might improve activity, and ideas for competitions. Basically, whatever you

want to tell me, tell me. :)

-KE Sith Bloodfyre

Quaestor of Gladius

Praetor to the DGM

All-around swell guy

  • Cestus -

Ok this is your QUA report Wow, never expected to be saying thies words, heck never expected to be here. But getting right to business. Firstly its a real honor to now be your QUA I know as a team we will be able to make this house great. Secondly we are going to be needing an AED. So until I figure out who is offically going to be AED Zetar, you will take over for when I am gone. Which brings me to my next little point, I will be gone for sure this weekend I am leaving tomorrow bright and early. So Zetar you know what I am expecting of you. (Making sure ppl are on IRC and taking part in any comps that come up.)Thirdly, its a shame Volant left us but I know we will get more people, have faith.So to sum things up I am expecting all of you to take part in any comps that come up this weekend and get some medals, and also to maybe get some new people. And also if you have any comp ideas please let me know. I will pretty much garuntee you that your comp will be run.Thats all from me this week. QUA DJK Zekk

DJK Zekk (Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: CRU] KSOE: CCE/DC/Cr-1T-1E-1A-1R-1D/CF

{SA: G:P1-G:P2}

  • Tridens -

House Tridens Quaestor Report for Saturday, May 24, 2003

Well another week closed but we're starting to make some progress. First, yes I know this is late. For thsoe that care, Saturday was my high school graduation, which is why I'm writign thsi report on sunday instead. That is also the reason I missed the ITE (Interclub Training Event). And seeing as next saturday is my 18th birthday, I'll probably be missing it again. Ok then, on with the report!


GRD Tempest Storm transfered to House Tridens from the Rogues

NOV ShadowHunter transfered to House Tridens from the Rogues

Yep, that means (as Bloodfyre pointed out to me) we've doubled our membership in a week!! W00t! So welcome to the new members !!


Cluster of Fire awarded to JH Rekio Corsair

And boss-lady Ciara Tearnan got a Diamond Sword !!

In other news, Clan Alvaak changed its name to Clan Exar Kun. House Ronin will be known as House Ziost; House Auctoritas will be known as House Korriban; House Dominatus will be known as House Byss.

Since we're getting members now you expect to see some activities for us to do starting next week. Now this not only includes the obvious flying missions that will be assigned but soem extra things as well. What kinda of extra things? Well, when Grand Master Khyron re-structured the houses so there was one house of each order under a clan, House Tridens, a house that had always prided itself on the range of diversity under a single roof, was dealt a blow from which the success of the house's recovery yet remains to be seen.

So I'd like to bring this back. So that means there's going to be some diversity in house competitions and activities. Not only will this help revive a lost part of our history but it will also give each individual a chance to shine at what they do best. I'm still not really sure what types of extra activites there will be, maybe soem house run-ons, trivia, Jac-ish comps. Like I said, not really sure yet. So if you have ideas feel free to share.

Currently the PCON, Zig, is workign on a activity that is, in my honest oppinion, really neat. It will involve all three houses and together create a story more or less. I really don't have all the details cause Zig isn't finished with it yet, but here's the jist of it so far: It starts with us, there will be a battle for space superority involving us blow up much shit =P Then , the Obies will do the ground work and then Krath will finish 'em off. Sounds neat, eh?

BTW: Zig wants 100% representation from Tridens at the Interclub Training Event. It's several hours long and it doesn't take much to get on and fly at least one match of something. Plus if you tell Mav you get a CF And when you tell me about it, I get to tell Zig and he will be happy =)

Lets see, a few quickies:

Ciara is really really busy with finals right now so lets all wish her luck!

My good firend Verr has been appointed QUA of House Galthain has a sweet ass new look thx to Chi !!!

Independence Games ( still going on

The HRLD is a big meany and stole my toy lightsaber ..

And Mav hates us all =P

Umm .. that's about all till next week.


JH Rekio Corsair (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum


Darkness guide,

··•· † ·•··

C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l

KE Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/P:KHP/CON/Tarentum,


  • Queenie Mystic -

.."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..

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