Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Arcona Weekly Report 11/8/2004

“Light is limited, darkness is infinite.”

Consul Vassan Rokir sat imperiously behind his expansive desk, high within the Clan fortress, which itself was still under construction. In front of him, shackled and subdued, held upright by the Dark Protector Ma’ar Tyrius Ga-Tir was one Guitan Altarax. Slightly behind them both stood Halcyon Rokir Arconae, Quaestor of Oriens Obscurum, and brother-in-spirit to the Consul himself.

To any uninvolved observer, it might appear as though an execution were about to take place. But no, this was just business. Vassan bored his visible eye into the captive, his other, scarred by shadow, was harder to read. Both sent a shiver through Altarax.

“Guitan of the family Altarax. Welcome to Selen. I realize your journey to this point was a rough one, but your destiny will now be determined by your personal wisdom…and sense of self-preservation.”

Guitan, though in no shape to resist physically, seethed with the anger of a caged gundark.

“Whoever you people are, you’ll get nothing from me. Neither I or my family will bow to blackmail or kidnapping, or whatever it is you’re looking for.”

Vassan smiled grimly.

“Please, Mr. Altarax. We’re far beyond that sort of posturing. Let me tell you what you are: an option. Either we can work together, or I return you to your offices unharmed.”

A quizzical look passed over the prisoner’s face, and he was about to say something, but the Epis continued. And what he said cowed Guitan of Altarax into submission.

“I’m certain the GeoLodge Combine would be most appreciative, should we inform them of the attack on their interests we prevented by apprehending you beforehand. Perhaps they would be more interested in the business I have to offer. As well, I’m sure your family would be most entertained at your utter failure in business.”

At the threat to his reputation and business, Altarax seemed to collect himself slightly. That, and probably the inherent knowledge that, really, he had much too much to lose.

“What are you looking for?”

“A partnership,” Vassan stated bluntly. “We have resources to be mined. You are a miner. We give leave for your personnel to prospect, mine, and ship as necessary through our territory. In return, we maintain 70% of the profits of whatever is extracted, once sold on the open market. And in return, well…we let you stay in business.”

Altarax visibly scoffed.

“And if I deem your terms unacceptable?”

Vassan Rokir’s face literally began to darken, the shaded scars across his face seeming to pulse slightly. Around Altarax’s feet, long tendrils of blackness snaked out from beneath the Consul’s desk, and began to climb up the prisoner’s legs.

Ma’ar stepped back in surprise. Altarax froze in fear.

“You misunderstand, Guitan.” Vassan’s voice was quiet thunder. “This is not a negotiation.”

Even in the lower levels of the great Arconan fortress, a scream could be heard.

Greetings, all.

It has been a very busy week. Given the length of the story above, I’ll try to keep the rest of the points brief.

-=Clan Comp: Phase 1=-

Congratulations to Halcyon and Ma’ar on winning the plotline competition. Their adventure, once this first full competition concludes, will be summarized and entered as historical “canon” into the Clan Website.

This was not an easy competition to judge, as everyone involved, whether they were able to complete the event or not, gave an excellent effort. But in the end, both al’Lan and myself ended up agreeing to the results. And though there were unfinished entries…hey, it’s my comp and I can award them as I see them. ;-) Therefore:

1st Place: Amethyst Crescents – Halcyon & Ma’ar

2nd Place: Sapphire Crescents – Kandos & Shadow

3rd Place: Emerald Crescents – Sykes & Ktulu

Participation: Clusters of Fire – Cymbre & Kaek

Summits: Take the time to read Halcyon & Ma’ar’s adventure:

As you are able, add the relevant details to your Phase 2 announcements. I would like them posted to your Clan mailing lists by Wednesday. Timetable on these will be about 2 weeks, barring any unforeseen circumstances (like, oh…Thanksgiving for instance…which I have forseen…).

-=GJW Results=-

The final tally (no pun intended) of the Great Jedi War scores has been posted:

You may also notice a very well-written summary of the war written by yours truly. If you do not take the time to read this and shower me with compliments, you will be promptly slain and left to bake in the sun.


Clan Arcona has taken 3rd Place in the Great Jedi War. Indeed, I, and I’m sure all of you, would have liked to come in first. There are many factors I could name that might accout for us having fallen slightly short…but, what is past is past. 3rd out of 7 is not at all horrible, and our placing will still result in a prize to the Clan…hopefully a capital ship of some sort…

In any case: a big thank you to all who put in their time, toil, and tears of frustration into this year’s GJW. We’ll nail the next one. Just you wait.

-=House Qel-Droma Summit=-

As many of you have read, Laethan Ciarus has decided to resign from his position as House Qel-Droma Quaestor, and move to a different Clan. I wish him the best of luck. A call for applications for both the Quaestor and Aedile positions has been posted, and I have received many responses thus far. But, until that is decided, Proconsul Mandragoran will be overseeing HQD on a temporary basis, the running of the Phase 2 comp in particular.

-=Special Mention=-

I would like to thank Raidoner at this time for his recent efforts in bringing new members into our Clan. As I am given to understand it (since I do not have the platform myself) Raid has been a shining beacon of darkness within Star Wars Galaxies, representing the Dark Brotherhood, and Arcona in particular, with great skill.

Thank you Raid.

In darkness thrive,

~Epis Vassan Rokir~

Consul of Clan Arcona

Praetor to the Oracle

Magistrate to the Herald

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