Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report


5 submissions so far. You have until the 2nd of December to submit something. I am thinking of awarding extra shinies for full participation, so if you manage a set of 6 submissions, you can probably expect another medal besides the ones you get for scoring. 

GJW Rewards:

Malik and I picked GJW rewards yesterday, and also took that chance to reform the Order of Battle for the clan. Both clans are getting a new fighter complement, consisting of this:

12 Tie Interceptors

4 XG-1 Star Wings

4 A-9 Vigilance Interceptors

I’m going to leave it up to the house summits to form those into squadrons, give to battleteams, etc.

Something else will be added to this as well, but that will have to wait until Mav announces the stuff. As soon as that has happened, I will send the full Order of Battle. One thing I’ll say, though, and that will be that both houses will get to name a new vessel. 

Clan Powers:

More misunderstanding… Clan Powers are NOT official yet, just approved. Seems like some clans haven’t sent in their powers yet. Bad clans.


A TON of GJW medals has been awarded. I am not even going to sum them all up. Yay to all who got stuff, though. 

Gaming Activity:

I’ve gotten my hands on JA, JO, and XWA. The latter I am far from used to yet, but working on it. I did try my hand on JA and JO, and even though I mostly got my ass kicked, I did manage to win some fights, and some CF’s. yay me! :P

More importantly, I qualified for the bi-weekly Sunday tournament, along with Jasru, Zacfer and Lenzar. So in total, we now have double participation over last time. Nice work, and there is still a week ahead.

Now, why do we want people to participate in the Sunday Tournament? Simple, really, you score points with which you, and the clan, can buy neat stuff. Think those Tie Interceptors are fragile? Then game a bit, and we’ll be able to add shields to them. Want to beat your enemies? Game a bit, and buy an AT-AT. Simple, eh? For the items, it does not matter if you win or lose, only how many games you play. Win/lose only matters for the CF’s. So get out, and game. If you score a whole lot of points, Malik and me might even consider an extra reward. ;)


Artisans, of course. Also, Vail is holding a cooperative fiction competition. Contact him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] to sign up, preferably with partner. If you don’t have one, he can hook you up with someone, though.

Muz is organizing an ACC competition. Sign up with him for that. I’m playing as well, so if you want to see some ultimate l33tness, sign up. (/me ends gloating) :P

Also, Alaric is holding an ACC cooperative fiction. Sign up with him for that.


wow. Long report. See I can beat Malness every time? ;)

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