Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

So how is everyone doing? Are we all looking forward to the holiday season? You might just see a fun little competition come from me with holiday themes so stay tuned. :)

Clan Updates

Ok here’s the thing. The big serious clan competition will be on hold until next year as we gather up plot lines, missions, ect. We want to make this one good. We also realize that exams are all this month for many of us schooling type people so it’s really not a good month for serious competitions. So that is where we stand with that.

If you’ve not noticed, is down and out for the count. That means we need a new website. I’ve heard things about a new one being in the works so let’s hope we can get that going before next year rolls around.

Remember if you have any questions or just feel like talking, I’m always around the corner :)

Clan Gossip

Ok so we didn’t place in the top three for the tournament thingy. Bummer. But our guys and gals really played hard for all those points they earned. Spend your points well and get some cool stuff. Oh yeah, the clan gets points too for all that participation. I wonder if we should start cashing in on that or not…

Hey I’ve heard that the Yu circle is getting pretty egotistical. I’ve heard no one in the entire clan has the guts to challenge them to a game. You people chicken or something? What about me you ask? Heh, well, um, I played yesterday, just not any Yu members. I’ll have to issue a challenge by email and to make sure they are around when I want to play. Hey the rest of you should do that too and show them that they aren’t all that great or let them show you that they are all that great. Ok I’m rambling now…


This is the place to look should you be interested in being more active. The DB has a section on the website just for competitions but who wants to go through all that?

Gladius events

Daemoni Get Active –

Triden events

Yu Challenges Tarentum –

Clan events

Funny Junk –

DB events

Dark Betrayal -

Gaming nights are Tuesday, Thursday, and tournament on Sunday. In #GMRG

ICTE is always on Saturday. In #Outerrim No links for these two, sorry.

Character development comp “A Bad Day” –


Murder Mystery League –


Funny Junk

Well they didn’t like me giving out Cross’ for doing this so you all get shiny crescents! Yeah I know you click on the link and it says it’s over already. Don’t pay attention to that. Ok here’s the first one I received. Keep sending them in!

Game: The Empire Strikes Back on the old Nintendo system.

From: Anshar Kahn

I was making my way through Hoth in the early parts of the game. As one might expect, there was a fair number of wampas, all of which took a good bit of time to kill. In order to get a power up, I skillfully navigated my way two of the wampas by jumping up to the next level (there were about 4 levels stacked on top of one another). I grabbed the power up and was making may way back down when, instead of falling straight down the opening as planned, I went over a little to far and landed right on top of one of the wampas, which then proceeded to kill me before I could react.

An old game, but a fun one for sure. How do I remember this? It was more the comment my brother made at the time which was something like "The Force was far from you that time."

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