Consul Report


Consul Report

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<div>Clan Tarentum Consul Report for Monday, March 7th, 2005

Gah! You know what professors do in college, they gather around and go "Look there! It's almost spring break, let's all have tests on the same week! Yay!!" I swear. Needless to say, I have a test in every class and one every day of the week. That doesn't leave me much time to work on projects this week, but I've hoping I can really put the extra time spring break gives me to use. Anyway, news and such:

- Trev (Shan-Long) was awarded an Emerald Dagger for his work as Oracle.
- Republic Commando has released in the US (March 1) and in Europe (March 4).
- Welshman took 2nd place in the

Sith Lords competition with his entry on the female Dark Lord, Rhiannon.

Tron steps down, EMS dissolved

Dark Covenant
As part of the final leg of the development process, Jac sent a copy of the Dark Covenant to the Dark Council and Clan Summits for review. I looked over it several times actually. There are some things that I like about it, and some things I don't. I candidly expressed my opinions to Jac and pointed out the things that didn't agree with the way Tarentum is run. As far as I know, it should be undergoing its final revisions, so hopefully you'll all see it soon.

_The Greatest Warrior of March
_Write a story about Mav through fun and farce. Must be at least a page in length, size 12 font, Times New Roman. All entries will be judged by Mav. Go here for more details.

Sunday Tournament
8 members of Tarentum were eligible to play in this Sunday's tournament: Nit'Chu, Frosty, Dox, Pyralis, X-Pilot, Smoke20, Vardar, and Zekk. Tarentum's total point value has grown to 799, not much of a gain from
last week. And we STILL don't have anyone in the top three. As I said last week, anyone that could find their way into the top three would find themselves generously rewarded …

_New members
_Welcome Menschenhai, Cross, and Luke Alexander Vandross to Clan Tarentum. If you see them on IRC give them a poke and say hi. And for those of you DJK and up, remember that you can take one of the new APPs as slave labor, err .. I mean, an apprentice :P

_Khobai wrote a primer for getting into Allegiance. If you have any interest in Allegiance you should take a look at this. It also noteworthy to add that not only is there an Allegiance Tournament (where we could earn more capital ships) in the works, bust also that Gryffon is trying to start an Allegiance/Battlefront
circle in Tridens. If you have intrest in joining the circle, or have questions regarding Allegiance, fire off an email to Gryf.

Khobai's Primer:

Khobai's Help Topic (MB):

Allegiance website (for all your downloads):

More Summit Changes</div> <div>Due to a lot of restrictions on his computer/online time, Zekk has stepped down as AED of House Tridens. At this time, Pyralis is not seeking a replacement.

Another sad announcement. After over a year of service as QUA of House Gladius, Anshar Khan Tarentae has resigned from his position. Taking his place as the new QUA is the very capable Welshman Corsair

Website Update
Yes, I'm still working on it. Give me a break :P I did, however, complete my goal to re-writing the layout to virtually no cross-browser difference. You can see the test page here. Unfortunately, I'm swamped with tests this week so I don't have time to compile all the content for the site and get all the sections up.

More Random Bullshit
I was sitting in work when my friend showed me the funniest thing. It was Daily Show anchor Jon Stewart on CNN's Crossfire. Check it out.

How great is that? It even sounds awesome doesn't it? I think I would have shit myself had I actually seen it on live TV, but why the hell would I be watching Crossfire? :P

-Rekio </div>

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