Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Tarentum Consul Report for Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005

So, Spring Break sucked. I spent the week working. Boo. I did a get

good bit website work done and I even managed to play some MP this

weekend. Other than that I mostly just worked and slept. So back to

the regular pulse of school and work and such.

-= Episode III and the Clone Wars Vol II =-

The Episode III Trailer is online at Star in Quicktime format

and no crappy OC intro.

Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume II premiered last night on Cartoon

Network at 7p.m. EST. It'll show every night this week. Can't make it?

Don't worry, you can watch them all online at their site after they


-= XvT/XWA Bracket Tournament =-

The SHW is hosting an XvT/XWA bracket Tournament. There are some

personal fighters up for grabs for the top three participants from

each Bracket and possibly a squadron of TIE Defenders to the each

Bracket winner's clan. Sign-ups end Friday the 25th at 11:59 PM, and

you should expect the first round to start on Sunday. So far for

Tarentum, the following have signed up: Welshman (both), Telona

(both), Merlance (both), Donitz (both), Smoke (both), Radek (XvT), and

myself (both).

-= An Opportunity =-

The SHW is also taking application. For what? No one knows. The deal

is you email him, tell him about yourself and what kinds of things you

like to do, and you might get to work an opportunity to work

opportunity to work on something DB-wide for the SHW Office staff.

-= Beta Testing and Tour Design =-

For those of you who may or may not know, I've been working on a

Mission Compendium for the DB. I've got a beta testing site up now to

test at Test missions, get

rewards. I'm also looking for some people, both mission designers and

creative thinkers, to help out in developing a Tour of Duty for the

DB. If you'd like to help, you should email me.

-= Dark Voice Volume I, Issue V =-

You can find the latest Dark Voice at

As a side note, you can find the Dark Voice Archive at:

-= Tridens Aedile =-

Due to his impressive performance as Interim-Aedile during Pyralis'

leave, DJK Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir has been appointed Aedile of House

Tridens. Smoke has been an outstanding member of Tarentum since he

became part of the clan, both as an active gamer and an up and coming

leader, and will make a fine addition to the Tridens Summit.

-= Update =-

I near as I can tell, I've got the design completely done. With the

use of Dreamweaver (no booing!), I've got it set up so I can update

and add sections to the site by editing only one file :) Bad news is

I'm still missing half the content. Unfortunately, I just can't pull

the Clan's history out of my ass, so it going to take some time to get

some of the sections (like the History and Legends) together.

-= Sunday Tournament =-

Seven members qualified for the tournament this week: X-pilot, Dox,

Frosty, Smoke, Nit'Chu, Ice Wolf and myself. The Clan total is up to

875 Points. Still no one in Tarentum in the top three.


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