Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Ok everybody, time for a special edition of the PCON report. Special edition meaning I'm going to concentrate on the Obelisk RoS. Congratulations to everyone who received promotions and awards recently.

As for the RoS, Rekio and I want to thank those who have participated thus far. Personally, I have played some JA (even though I haven't played in awhile and I get ping spikes like crazy for no reason) and I will play more this weekend. There is also a writing event right now. The ACC will be coming in the future. At this moment, Tarentum is in 2nd place, but not by much.

Rekio and I will reward activity as we see fit. The more your participate, the more awards/greater awards you can get. Even if you place in one of the events, we won't hold that award against you.

Regarding other clans...

  1. Taldryan- Obviously, there are some people who don't have real lives, or at least have the ability to put the real world on hold. Don't worry about them. Let them play their hearts out. Go ahead and play them, too.

  2. All other clans- In short, play nice. If you find someone continually avoiding matches, tell me and/or Rekio, or even Korras. We will bring it up with the proper clan summit.

Finally, don't be afraid to play someone just because you'll lose. I'm quite certain that I have the worst record in the clan, or I will after this weekend. Wins are great, but even losses get us points. If you want to practice, find someone in the clan. I'll play in JA.

Have a good week, go kick some ass, and have fun.

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