Consul Report


Consul Report

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**Clan Arcona

**Consular Report

24th October 2005

This is the first thing I remember, now its the last thing left on my mind.

Surprise! I'm writing a report. I usually have a very consistent history with writing these, but I've screwed up. I suppose I could go into my reasons, but they aren't very simple to understand. In a nutshell, I'm old and tired. I have screwed up as Consul, and I will probably screw up again. On the bright side, things will improve. Oriens has some very interesting changes in the future, and Galeres is on the rise as well.

Most first Consul reports start with a mission statement, a goal of sorts. I had only one goal when I took this job, and I failed it miserably. However, I can either sit around and bitch about it or I can sort out what I want to achieve.

My mission as Consul is to keep the Clan alive and hopefully see the Clan improve. That's the bright shiny light at the end of this very long 70m tunnel. I have been here a long time, not because I enjoy the company of being alone but because I'm committed to this mission. I'm on the other side of the mirror now, but ultimately, I'm still a Clan Elder and I still have certain things as an Elder that I wanted to do.

The next step to achieving my goal is to get off my ass and do stuff, which is a work in progress. I've been jumping on IRC a bit more often, and I'll try and make this Clan report thing a regular deal. I'll be doing other bits and pieces too, as my time, motivation and care factor decide.

I'll end my "personal thoughts" section by stating the obvious. I'm not a hero. I'm honest, I'm committed, and I'm ancient - but I'm not a hero.


For the record, I nominated Strategos for the position of Clan Envoy. He has accepted, and now that is one less burden on my shoulders. I'm confident he'll be able to do more good with the role than I could.


I'd like to thank Khobai for everything he's done for Clan Arcona over the years. He has chosen to step down as Proconsul and focus all his energy and efforts into the GMRG - and I hope he does well as Commander of the Guard.


Applications for Proconsul are closed. Got a few interesting applications, mostly from outside the Clan. I've begun reading them in earnest to try and determine what I feel is the best direction for the Clan. I'll be passing the applications on to a couple of people to see what they think before I make my decision.


I finally got off my ass and put together an up-to-date Competition Listing topic on the message boards. The URL is I thought this was a particularly great idea of Halcyon's, and I'll be updating it as often as I can.


This report has an opening point of me becoming more active and a closing point of me becoming less. I'll be laughing about that all week. I'll send out a separate email to keep you all in the know and to make sorting all the easier. And to make some coffee.

Light is Limited; Darkness is Infinite.

Epis Denath Ciarus

Consul of Arcona

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