Consul Report


Consul Report

Greetings one and all,

This is a special part of the Consul report, focusing on the run-on currently on the clan message board.

Here are the major events that have happened thus far: the clan departed to find the Obsidian blade in response to New Republic/Jedi interest on an unnamed moon. That the blade is even there is still merely rumor. Intel failed to realize/discover that there was an extra Republic frigate around the moon. There are four sites that will need to be searched and the Republic has mixed infantry and Jedi teams searching these sites. There are two temples, the ruins of an old town, and a crashed starship. Most of the Daemoni are on the ground, along with Donitz’s tanks, and Yuki and her two apprentices. Donitz has been charged with neutralizing the base that is coordinating the Republic/Jedi efforts. Dranik, a former member of the clan who has transferred back to the clan, has brought some more information for the clan regarding the blade.

Secondly, after talking with a few folks from the clan of varoius ranks and positions, I also wanted to offer a few tips/guidelines for the run-ons:

           -You don’t have to be the hero and kill everyone in every post; you don’t have to capture the enemy base by yourself. Remember, we are a clan. While you are the main character when you are writing, remember that you are a member of the clan as a whole. If you want to see some good posts that get at what I’m talking about, take a look at the second page of the run-on, starting with Sato’s post.  

        -There will be times when action is needed, or when you find yourself in the situation where something has been left open for you. For example, if you and a squad of clan mates are pinned down by enemy fire, and the last thing the person before you writes is “with an ominous clatter and rolling, a grenade landed in front of the team’s position.” You could, if you wanted, start your post off with your character using the Force to throw the grenade back.  

        -Try to leave your posts open ended enough for the next person, or at least the next person in your part of the story, to feed off of it.  

        -You don’t have to write just about yourself.  

        -Keep in mind your own character’s limitations, both according to the DSC and your own characterization.  

If you have any other questions, check the run-on course notes at the Shadow Academy, as Welshman pointed out before. If you have any other questions, talk to me. Remember, awards are being offered as this is a competition.

Now, on to some other matters

Tridens has a trivia competition coming up.

Gladius has a comp coming up as well. Both House Summits should be providing some details on these events.

Regarding the circles, I will be checking with the House Summits this week. They got the notes I made about the circles and knew what needed to be addressed. We'll see how far it went.

Also, Demos has presented an idea to the clan summit and to the house summits for an idea to help get the houses and circles focused, both fictionally and in a way that should help focus the activities. Acitivity would NOT be limited in any way; your're still free to do whatever you can. The organization will not be changing either. I'll get more details to the clan when we're done planning things out, but I wanted to give you a head's up on things.

I would like to welcome APP Valerian to the clan, as well as welcoming back OT Dranik.


Rekio got 2 LS

Karel got 26 CFs and 2 LS

Artemis was promoted to PRT

Fluff_Muffin was promoted to NOV

Archean got a Seal of Loyalty, 14 CFs, and a Crescent w/Sapphire Star

Ma'ar got 38 CFs

Ziltopia got 2 LS and SI, and was made the TET of the Mystics of the Black Arts

Windos got 1 Crescent w/sapphire star, 1 Crescent w/topaz star,5 CFs, and a Seal of Loyalty

Kris got a Crescent w/Emerald Star

Lilith got a Crescent w/Sapphire star

Fenn got 21 CFs

Tyren got 6 CFs

Frosty got 3 CFs

CannabiS got 2 CFs

Yemmer got a CF

Rage got a CF

Odin Vaaj was promoted to PRT

Merlance got a Seal of Loyalty

Congrats to all those awarded. Keep up the good work.

Finally, the Sith War (Rite of Supremacy) is scheduled for early next year, probably around February. Take the time between now and then to practice your gaming and writing skills. Get to know your clan mates and support one another in your activities. There's no reason why we can't win in this competition and kick everyone else's asses.

To recap: run-on going on, check it out and participate. Comps coming up all around. Sith RoS is coming up- we should kill the enemy.

I'll be around on IRC and e-mail as much as possible. I've got a couple big papers, plus two smaller ones, I need to work on for school.

In darkness,


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