Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report #5

Hi guys,

Total PCON Emails: 89

  1. Introduction

Over the past few weeks, things have happened in this clan that makes me wonder. What exactly are the values of CNS? I mean, people always say that we're different than the other clans. I think the most important value in Clan Naga Sadow is loyalty to the clan. We want members who appreciate their other members and understand that some things are important to some members. If you do not take these things seriously, if you don't demonstrate that you actually care about CNS, then you are not sharing in the most important of CNS values.

  1. GJW Update

The Great Jedi War is starting to settle down. So, not as much to talk about. It's nice to be able to relax a little bit. However, there are still several events going on, and it is important that we try to get as much participation as possible in those events. You will get a separate GJW Update.

  1. Promotions

Raven was finally promoted to Dark Jedi Knight (DJK). Yay!

I've noticed we've been really swelling the DJK ranks lately. That's good.

  1. Medals

Macron and Muz (not actually in the clan, but meh) got Stars of Antei (StA) for being awesome masters in the Master-Student program. See, you TOO can be a great master. Talk to Thorin for information.

  1. Conclusion

Yeah, not much of a report, I know. I can tell you that I'm working on what this clan will be doing for competitions post-GJW. I think it's a great idea...short, not too serious, but more structured than any ordinary competition.

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