Consul Report


Consul Report

Interim Report, written by KAP Timeros. Rest assured I will be doing the subsequent reports myself. :)

  • Strat


Hey all, it's that time of the week! :P Yes, another report is there to fill you with wonderful and bright ideas about the state of the Clan, the state of the Brotherhood, and obviously everything else that has been going on.

I realize that this 'report' as such may throw you off…after all, I've spent much of the week being fired. :P Yet, after due and careful consideration the Consul has decided I will still be allowed to do the reports and such. After that, they will be filed and added to the Consul Report list by Strategos himself.


Well…it's been a busy and sometimes hectic week, but also a very productive one. The runon is in full swing, two new competitions have been approved, and more stuff's looming on the horizon.

The News:

  • Well…the most public thing first, for all of you who have been living in a cave the past week ;) I got removed from my position of Proconsul. I believe that pretty much everything's been said and done about it, but I'd like reiterate the #arcona topic just to make sure ;)

Don't cross the shit line. It's that simple, guys. I ask you again to stay calm regarding all of this…it's the best option we have available given our situation. As you see by this report, I'm still there and active ;) I ain't going away just yet.

I'm also glad with the admirable restraint all of you have chosen to exhibit regarding the removal. None of you have broken any rules since then, and most of the email conversations have been generally polite.

Another question I've been asked a while ago is whether a new Proconsul will be chosen soon. Again, after consideration Strategos has decided to not yet open applications for Proconsul just yet, and as such the position will remain open until further notice.

  • We have a new Galeres Aedile! There were many qualified candidates for the job, and the choice was a difficult one, but eventually the Summit has decided upon DJK Etah d'Tana for the job! Congrats Etah! :D

  • In a similar vein, Ashura Isradia has chosen to step down from his position of Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum. As he wrote in his last report, a successor has already been chosen, though the practical change has not yet been made. We thank Ash for his work with us, and expect him to continue doing a good job as a member within House Oriens Obscurum.

  • The website is almost nearing completion. Most of it is functional, but it still needs some IE testing and needs to be signed off. In a few days however, you'll definitely get to see it ;) Major thanks to Orv, who has spent over thirty hours coding it all...we owe him a lot :D

  • The position of Dark Voice Tribune is still open. If you think creating the DB Newsletter is work for you, feel free to apply and showcase your administrative and artistic talents in a manner that affects the entire Brotherhood.

  • The logo competition has ended. Expect a winner to be chosen soon.

  • Juda has won the 'who pwnd the PCON?' competition! Congrats to him :D Also major thanks to Dessie for fighting in there.

  • Regarding Etah's position as QD BTL: currently no updates. It will probably be opened up for applications in a while, though.

Running competitions:

W00t! New competitions for all of you! :D

Desperate Times

The Arcona runon 'Desperate Times' has entered a new phase. For those who don't know yet, the Hutts have invaded and the Clan's doing its darnedest to stop them! Come and help us out at:

Murder Most Foul

Another competition by the inestimable Dessie! Once again, she has volunteered to help us out, this time by creating a competition where the goal is to describe a murder! So grasp your lightsaber, weapon, or whatever, and venture forth to describe how you brutally slaughter some hapless fool!

For all your assassination needs:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2559

Also props to Etah for helping by supplying the idea and title to Dessie.

Sith Trivia

This is an upcoming event by our very own GRD Juda! Questions will be asked about the Sith empire, and the first three people to answer the event properly are to be rewarded crescents! The event starts of the third, but get ready for a spectacle you have never before witnessed! (if you think I'm exaggerating, well tough luck :P I like to exaggerate matters :P)

More details at:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&filter=upcoming&ID=2594

Pwn the PCON!

I'm sorry to say that this event has been discontinued for a bit. With the CMs resignation, too many things have been held in limbo to properly continue this. Nevertheless, I am still available for Combat to those who qualified, and it will count towards your ATR for promotions too.

Elevations and awards of note:

With two exceptions, all RoS medals have now been awarded. The last two have unfortunately been faced with denials and, with the somewhat hectic week, but I ask you to be patient…we're still working on it ;)

Another thing to be mentioned…KAP Al'Lan Mandragoran has gained himself a Steel Cross for his valuable work on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's reform of the Order Core. His instrumental role in this has proven pivotal to changing the Krath Core Exam. Congrats to Lan! :D


Gentlemen…we're getting there. We seem to be slowly awakening, flexing our muscles again and getting our feet under ourselves. Within the last few days I've seen many new people get online more often. Projects are getting done on schedule, which should help the leadership with certain administrative things. If we keep going this way, Arcona stands an excellent chance at the Great Jedi War. Good work all of you guys, keep it up!

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