Aedile Report


Aedile Report

AED Report #1

The jump from Sergeant to Aedile had brought along some unexpected duties, and a rapid influx of messages and summit meetings that he had not been epecting. Vodo, as always though, kept the grumblings and frustrations to himself and put forward his best effort. In his place in Phoenix, he left the capable hands of Lauria Ballard incharge, so that they copuld continue to dominate the House, and possibly more.

The business around the hosue however was bustling and seemed that everyone was ready for whatever may happen. The Consul had announced an alliance with another clan, and warned his charges to beware of a coming storm.

Those of you who have been around a while know who I am, or at least have seen my name on the roster near yours, those of you in Phoenix have gotten to know me a little bit, and those of you who are new to the house, or just have no clue, I am Vodo. I was the sergeant of Phoenix Phyle for two months, helped put on the Ektrosis Cup competition, and have been an active member of this hosue for three years now. I've never been a member of another house besides Dinaari (where I transfered from as an apprentice), so I am Tally through and through, and Ektrosis even more so.

I'm glad the Clan Summit decided I was worthy of this position, and I'm glad to be working with Hel-pa again. I have an Open Door Policy (as cliche` as that sounds), so if you have a problem (with me, sklib, the house or clan summit, anyone in the house, in the DB, or whatever), if you need someone to talk to, or are just bored, feel free to shoot me an email, or PM me on IRC (I'm on often enough). I also believe that activity starts at the bottom. So if you are under the rank of Jedi Hunter, be sure you'll be hearing from myself, Sklib, or your envoy, Alanna. If you learn to be active at a younger level, you'll be more likely to carry that activity forward into vendetta's or higher ranks.

My job as Aedile to Sklib will be to cover for him if he goes AWOL or on a LOA, to put out a report every two weeks (you can hold me to that!), and generally be a link from you, the member, to the House Summit.



Shadow Academy


History of the Sith Empire I

History of the Sith Empire II


Krath Core

Test of Wisdom

Lauria Ballard:

ICQ Studies



Crescent with Amethyst


Cluster of Fire x 2

Lauria Ballard:

Crescent with Ruby x 2

Hel-pa Sklib:

Cluster of Fire x 2

Scroll of Indoctrination


Cluster of Fire


Scroll of Indoctrination

Promotions and Acheivments:

**ACC: **GRD Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus. won over GRD Lorien Sinclair

ACC: GRD Lauria Ballard won over DA Telona Murrage

ACC: Lauria Ballard has been elevated to the ACC rank of Neophyte

Lauria Ballard was promoted to the rank of Guardian!

Lauria Ballard has been named the Tetrarch of Phoenix Phyle Battleteam!

Figzer was promoted to the rank of Protector!

If I missed anything at all, feel free to email me and inform me. I will amend my report on the DB Site, and make a note of it on the mailing list.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood :

Clan Taldryan :

House Ektrosis :

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