Aedile Report


Aedile Report

AED Report #6

There was a Yuuzhan Vong rampant inside the Library. That was now clear. The Quaestor had returned to see a House almost in Civil War, and an Aedile in a helpless situation, but it would all be turned around soon enough.

We had a decent turnout to the Super Ekky Comp, but alas, it is now closed! Sklib and I will be getting awards out as soon as we can. The Run-On will be running as long as it needs to finish up, but look for the end to be sometime this coming week, so if you want to keep posting, start doing it soon, kthnx.

In other news, we are beginning the Winter Slump, meaning we are between the big summer competitions, and we are all buckling down into our school work, and attempting to stay warm, but you try to find some time to participate in these winter months. Your Quaestor and I will take note of those of you who take advantage of this time, and makes us happy. Happy House Summit = Happy You.

And on a side note, if you look below, you will notice every member of your House Summit is listed for either having won an award or having passed some heavy SA Courses. My point is, we don’t just boss you around all the time! We do what we say too!


_Shadow Academy _

Vodo Biask:

Leadership Fundamentals <-- Yay me!

Dark Maven - Leadership <-- Yay me again!

Hel-Pa Sklib:

Conflict Mediation

General Leadership <-- Yay Sklib!

Leadership Fundamentals <-- You’re a bastard for beating me by three points…

Dark Maven – Leadership <-- Yay Sklib again!


Force Alchemy


Test of Endurance <-- GREAT JOB!


Brotherhood Basics <-- Woo?

_Medals: _


Cluster of Fire x 34

Crescent with Sapphire x 1

Vardar Fen’Amar:

Cluster of Fire x 12


Cluster of Fire x 1

Crescent with Sapphire x 1


Crescent with Sapphire x 1

Alanna Taldrya:

Crescent with Sapphire x 1

Bubbles Taldrya:

Crescent with Sapphire x 1

Lokasena Corvinus:

Crescent with Sapphire x 1

_Promotions and Achievements: _

None to Report this week!

If I missed anything at all, feel free to email me and inform me. I will amend my report on the DB Site, and make a note of it on the mailing list.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood :

Clan Taldryan :

House Ektrosis :

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