Consul Report


Consul Report

Hi all.

Just a quick mini-report. I am seeing a bunch of new comps coming in, and I like that. There should be lots for you to do around the holidays with all that free time you have. Keep your eyes peeled for new comps from the sick mind of our own Malisane as well.

Reports of my imminent retirement may have been exaggerated. I intend to stick around and kick tail, at least until the new year is going well.

With that in mind, I'd like feedback from you. Anyone who cares to, drop me a personal email and let me know your thoughts.

Anyone who needs help with writing, runons, or ACC drop me a line. In fact, I plan on being one of the Clan ACC trainers.

Check out the training runon in HMR, this is a fantastic idea. I'd like to see HLK develop one as well. Clan Naga Sadow has absolutely punished all the other Clans in runons in the last few years, and I would love to keep up that tradition.

As well, a Clan member was recently stripped of leadership positions for insulting a member of the summit and being a general pain in the butt. That is unfortunate, but we as a Clan (all of us- including you reading this) deserve better performance from our leaders and that sort of tomfoolery will not be tolerated. Just for the record.

cheers, Mac-Daddy


SWL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu Sadow

CNS Consul

Fourth Caste of the Inner Order

Governor-General, Orian System

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