Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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Ylith moved fast through the halls of the Marakith Skyhook and moved to his office. The opened the door and walked straight to his desk, opening the commlink to see Trev waiting.

“You’re late.” Was all the consul said and Ylith caught his breath for a moment.

“I apologize Consul.” The holographic miniature of Trev waved away the comment. “I hope to see your ready for what is to come?”

The Battlemaster nodded and inserted a disk. “Yes my lord, we have all forces on standby as we speak, and the Skyhook is ready to use it’s evacuation program if needed.”

Trev nodded and then he grinned. “How is Fred?” Ylith sighed, “Sober and sleeping.” Trev cursed. “Get him drunk and ready for battle! Nephets will come…”

OOC; Intro

Greetings members of Naga Sadow, and most of all, Ludo Kressh,

Well here’s my second week as Quaestor, work has finally caught up with me and I wasn’t running fast enough to keep up with it. Lucky for me our lovable Pcon Ashia and my very awesome Aedile Tsingtao covered most already, so I’ll keep it short and simple this time.

I decided to go for a funny fictional intro this time, guess some variation wont kill anyone. Next week will be a serious one again though, I might switch between funny and serious from now on ;)

Without the work Ashia and Tsingtao did before me to focus on I can focus more on the Artisan comps! Hooray! Admitted some things flew over my head or was swung at me before I was Quaestor and I didn’t really took a glance at it (bad Ylith, BAD!) so yeah…ehhm…cough


There is a huge list of competitions out now and I looked at them and thought: Whoa…sweet….and when I say it is cool, it is cool, and if you doubt that it is cool, then you just go do another comp or something…But all seriousness on a stick, you should really take a go at this, total wicked coolness!

So that’s about it really, the rest is detailed down below!

takes away the mic and mumbles in the background

What? No Fred, it’s only my second coke. Don’t you talk to me like that! I don’t care what Bob says. Ugh! Fine!

takes the mic back

And Fred wanted me to tell you that you should all remember that the artisan comps are best done with a beer in hand, the Sadow way!

Have fun all!

**~Ylith Atema,

Quaestor of Ludo Kressh**


With this I only added those who won the competitions I send out earlier. So here goes:

Graphics comp; Art a’la Malik

1st Place Fenris Crescent with Emerald Star

2nd Place Bob Crescent with Topaz Star

3rd Place Malisane Crescent with Quartz Star

Writing comp; Design the Quaestor’s office.

Only one submission, instantly winning first place:

Bob Crescent with Topaz Star.

Congratulations all!

Shadow Academy Courses

Awesome job all! Kickass! Though it did surprise me that Tron did the Wiki Exam…O.o

Tron - Leadership Fundamentals – Wiki Course

Fenris - Sith History II

Kairus - Dark Maven; History


New members that have joined the best Clan in the brotherhood! (Don’t listen to Taldryan, they are jealous.) Welcome to Clan Naga Sadow you three and I am sure you’ll have fun staying at House Ludo Kressh!

APP Nosselus Makona


There have only been few promotions this week. Know that getting a promotion, how easy or fast it may go, is something you should cherish. Have fun while being a Journeyman and being teased by the Equites and Elders, or having your own adventures with Journeymen like yourself. It makes your time as an Equite in the future a lot more fun when you dig up those old stories and tell them at the Journeymen then. But lets head to the Promotions.

Fenris to Protector!!!

Great job Fenris, I am sure you will reach sky-high if you keep this up!


You all got the list from our Consul Trevarus so do them! Every single one of them! Make my inbox scream for mercy when you fill it up with the fresh mails!

Oh an Tron had a competition out about the Wiki's NPC's. Seems like a cool competition and I am sure going to try and go do it! Follow the Leader!



Artisans comps for the win!

Do em! Love em! Feel em! Fondle em! Twack someone with em! Just get those shineys!

Signed and sealed,

**~Ylith Atema,

Quaestor of Ludo Kressh**

Wiki Links

Naga Sadow


Ludo Kressh


Jade Serpents


Sapphire Squadron


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